Elite AI Prompts

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How to use reference photos in midjourney

How to use reference photos in Midjourney is a comprehensive guide that delves into the art of incorporating reference photos into your creative process. This invaluable resource offers insights and techniques for artists and creators to harness the power of reference images, elevating their work to new heights. Whether you’re a painter, illustrator, designer, or any creative enthusiast, this guide will help you navigate the journey of using reference photos effectively to enhance your artistic vision.

Understanding MidJourney

MidJourney encapsulates the essence of a creative expedition, serving as a bridge between ideation and realization. This phase is characterized by a unique blend of excitement, doubt, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. It’s the part of the creative process where the initial burst of inspiration has given way to the practical challenges of bringing an idea to life.

Understanding MidJourney means recognizing that this phase is not a roadblock but a crucial part of the creative journey. It’s a space where you refine your vision, make decisions, experiment with different approaches, and ultimately shape your concept into a tangible form. In essence, it’s where you grow as an artist or creator, honing your skills and gaining valuable insights along the way.

Navigating MidJourney requires resilience, adaptability, and a willingness to learn from both successes and setbacks. It’s about finding inspiration in unexpected places, seeking feedback and mentorship, and staying committed to your creative objectives even when the path forward appears hazy.

Whether you’re an artist refining your masterpiece, a writer working on a novel, or an entrepreneur developing a business idea, understanding and embracing MidJourney is a testament to your dedication to the craft. It’s about valuing the process as much as the end result, recognizing that the creative journey itself holds immense value in personal and professional growth.

How to use photo as a reference in Midjourney

Midjourney is a popular platform used by many for various purposes. However, it does not appear to have specific instructions for uploading reference photos as the platform’s functionality may vary. The following steps are a general guide on how to upload reference photos on most online platforms.

Log In: First, log into your Midjourney account using your username and password. If you don’t have an account, you’ll need to create one first.

Navigate to the Right Section: Once you’re logged in, navigate to the section where you want to upload the reference photos. This could be a project, a profile, or any other area that allows photo uploads.

Click on Upload: Look for an “Upload” button. This button might also be represented by a plus (+) sign or an icon that looks like a camera or picture.


Choose Your File: Once you click on the upload button, a window will pop up allowing you to browse your computer or device for the photo you want to upload. Navigate to the location of your photo, click on it, and then click “Open” to confirm.

Edit and Confirm: After you’ve selected your photo, you might have the option to crop, filter, or otherwise edit your photo. Once you’re satisfied with how it looks, confirm the upload. This is usually done by clicking a button that says “Done”, “Upload”, “Save”, or something similar.

Wait for the Upload: After confirming, your photo will begin uploading. Wait for this process to complete. Depending on the size of the photo and your internet speed, this could take a few seconds to a few minutes.

Check the Uploaded Photo: Once the photo is uploaded, it should appear in the location where you chose to upload it. Check to make sure it looks right. If not, you may need to delete it and try again.

UP done 1

Enter the Prompt: Type /imagine in the text field and then insert the image URL. You can append additional keywords and your desired image resolution after the URL.

New Command

Image Generation: Once you’ve set up your prompt, Midjourney will begin to produce images that resemble your reference.

New Images

Image Weight parameter

The Image Weight Parameters “–iw” in Midjourney is used to adjust the importance of an image in the training process. It is a way to control how much influence each image has on the model’s learning.

The parameters are:

–iw 2“: This means that the weight or importance of the image is 2. The model will pay more attention to this image during the training process. For example, if we have an image of a cat and we want our model to focus more on learning features from this image, we can assign a higher weight to it.


–iw 1“: This means that the weight of the image is 1. The model will treat this image with normal importance during the training process. This is the default weight for all images unless specified otherwise. For example, if we have an image of a dog and we want our model to treat it as a standard image, we can assign a weight of 1 to it.

–iw 0.5“: This means that the weight of the image is 0.5. The model will pay less attention to this image during the training process. For example, if we have an image of a bird and we think that it is less important for our model’s learning, we can assign a lower weight to it.

In summary, the “–iw” parameter in Midjourney allows us to control the importance of each image in the model’s learning process. By adjusting the weights of the images, we can guide the model to focus more on the images that we think are more important, and less on the images that we think are less important.

Combining two photos in Midjourney

If you’re looking to merge two images in Midjourney, you can utilize the /blend feature. For instance, City + Talking Tom.

Type /blend then upload the images


Now, hit the “Enter” button

Blend output

How to use the “Describe” function

“If you’re interested in identifying the unique style of an existing image or if you’re seeking fresh ideas for prompts, you can utilize the /describe feature in Midjourney along with uploading your image.

Step 1: input /describe into your text bar, this will provide you the option to upload an image.


Step 2: Press “Enter” after uploading the image.

Des 2

Now, Midjourney is ready to offer you four descriptive options that you can use as prompts for your needs.

Des 3

I sincerely hope that my guide on ‘How to Use Your Photo as a Reference in Midjourney’ has proven to be exceptionally beneficial and informative to you. It’s my utmost desire that you’ve not only found it helpful but also that it has enriched your understanding and ability to utilize photos as references during your Midjourney adventures.

Throughout the guide, I aimed to provide you with a comprehensive and step-by-step approach to incorporating photos effectively into your Midjourney experience. I strived to cover various aspects, from selecting the right photos to integrating them seamlessly into your journey, so you can navigate Midjourney’s world with greater confidence and creativity.

If you encounter any challenges or have any questions while following the guide, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m always here to offer further assistance and clarification, ensuring that you can make the most of this valuable resource.

Once again, thank you for choosing to explore Midjourney with me, and I genuinely hope that my guide has not only met but exceeded your expectations, enhancing your Midjourney adventures in the process.”


I hope this guide “How to Use Your Photo as a Reference in Midjourney” provides a detailed and insightful guide for artists and creators to skillfully incorporate reference photos into their creative endeavors. This guide serves as a crucial tool in the artistic journey, helping individuals navigate the Midjourney phase where ideas evolve into tangible creations. By understanding the nuances of Midjourney, embracing its challenges, and utilizing reference photos effectively, artists and creators can significantly enhance their artistic expression and output. Whether you are a painter, illustrator, designer, or any creative enthusiast, this guide empowers you to harness the full potential of reference imagery, thereby enriching your creative process and final works.



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