Elite AI Prompts


50 midjourney star wars prompts


Delving further into the concept, midjourney Star Wars prompts can cover a wide range of scenarios. They could involve detailing the training of a Jedi Knight, exploring the political machinations of the Galactic Senate, or even imagining the everyday life of a droid. These prompts are not just about the major battles and dramatic confrontations, but also the quieter moments that provide depth and richness to the Star Wars universe.

These prompts can be used as a tool for fan fiction writers, role-playing games, or just for fun brainstorming sessions among Star Wars enthusiasts. They can help you to develop a deeper understanding of the characters, their motivations, and their actions. You might find yourself exploring the moral complexities of characters like Anakin Skywalker, the strategic genius of Grand Admiral Thrawn, or the resilient spirit of Princess Leia.

Midjourney Star Wars prompts encourage creativity, critical thinking, and a deeper appreciation of the Star Wars universe. They are a testament to the richly detailed world that George Lucas created, and the enduring appeal of its characters and stories. So whether you’re a seasoned Star Wars aficionado, or a curious newcomer to the galaxy, these prompts offer a unique and rewarding journey into the heart of the Star Wars saga.

Luke Skywalker

  1. “A watercolor painting of a young and hopeful Luke Skywalker, standing at the edge of a sandy dune on Tatooine. The twin suns of the planet are setting in the background, casting a warm, orange glow over the scene. Luke is dressed in his iconic white and beige outfit, his face is turned towards the horizon, his gaze distant and full of dreams. His lightsaber is strapped to his belt, its presence a symbol of the adventures to come. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1”
  2. “A 1980s style comic book illustration of Luke Skywalker engaged in a fierce lightsaber duel with Darth Vader. The setting is the carbon-freezing chamber on Cloud City. The environment is bathed in a harsh, cold, blue light, contrasting with the vibrant red and blue of the lightsabers. Luke is depicted in a dynamic pose, his face a mask of determination and concentration. Vader, a looming, menacing figure, is pressing the attack. –chaos 50 –iw 1”
  3. “A melancholic sketch of an older Luke Skywalker, exiled on the island of Ahch-To. He is standing on the edge of a cliff, the wind ruffling his grizzled hair and beard. His Jedi robes are worn and weathered, much like the man himself. The sea is rough, waves crashing against the rocks below. In the distance, the silhouette of the Millennium Falcon can be seen. –aspect 9:16 –quality .5”
  4. “A vibrant, impressionist painting of Luke Skywalker performing the iconic Force projection at the end of The Last Jedi. He is seated in a meditative pose, his form translucent and glowing with a soft, ethereal light. The stark, white salt flats of Crait stretch out around him, the red soil underneath creating a striking contrast. In the sky above, the Resistance ships can be seen escaping, tiny specks of hope against the dark expanse. –aspect 1:1 –chaos 75”
  5. “A stylized, Art Nouveau illustration of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. They are back to back, Luke with his lightsaber drawn, Leia with her blaster. Their expressions are resolute, ready to face whatever comes their way. The background is a swirl of intricate patterns and motifs, symbolizing the Force that binds them together. The color palette is dominated by shades of blue, green, and white, evoking a sense of calm amidst chaos. –aspect 2:1 –quality 1 –stylize 2”

Han Solo

A detailed, charcoal sketch of a contemplative Han Solo sitting alone in the dimly lit cantina of Mos Eisley. His elbows are propped on the table, a half-empty glass of Corellian ale in his hand. His gaze is distant, lost in thought, and there’s a hint of melancholy in his eyes. The background is a blur of alien patrons and the hum of hushed conversations fills the air –aspect 9:16 –quality 1 –chaos 30
  1. “A vibrant, oil-painted portrait of a young, roguish Han Solo standing confidently against the backdrop of the Millennium Falcon. The Falcon is parked on the sandy terrain of Tatooine, with its distinct, twin suns setting in the background, casting long shadows and bathing everything in a warm, orange glow. Han is dressed in his iconic outfit, a white shirt, black vest, and navy pants, his blaster holstered at his side. His expression is smug, a knowing smirk playing on his lips –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 50”
  2. “A 1980s comic book style illustration of Han Solo and Chewbacca inside the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon. They are in the midst of a heated space battle, dodging laser blasts and asteroids. Han is at the controls, his face determined and focused, while Chewbacca roars in excitement beside him. The scene outside the cockpit window is a flurry of vibrant colors, representing the chaos of the battle –aspect 1:1 –quality 1 –chaos 75”
  3. “A detailed, charcoal sketch of a contemplative Han Solo sitting alone in the dimly lit cantina of Mos Eisley. His elbows are propped on the table, a half-empty glass of Corellian ale in his hand. His gaze is distant, lost in thought, and there’s a hint of melancholy in his eyes. The background is a blur of alien patrons and the hum of hushed conversations fills the air –aspect 9:16 –quality 1 –chaos 30”
  4. “A vibrant, watercolor painting of Han Solo frozen in carbonite. The scene is set in Cloud City with Lando Calrissian, Princess Leia, and Chewbacca witnessing the event in the background, their faces filled with horror and disbelief. The carbonite chamber is bathed in a harsh, industrial light, casting dramatic shadows and highlighting the frozen expression of surprise and resignation on Han’s face –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 50”
  5. “A minimalist, pop art style image of Han Solo’s iconic blaster. The blaster is set against a bold, red background, its sleek, black form starkly contrasted. The blaster is drawn in a detailed, realistic style, with every button, switch, and detail meticulously rendered. The image exudes a sense of danger and adventure, much like Han Solo himself –aspect 1:1 –quality 1 –chaos 10”


A futuristic digital art of Yoda wielding his green lightsaber against a stormy, star-filled sky. His robe is flowing, and his face is stern and determined. The lightsaber’s glow illuminates him, casting dramatic shadows. The image should convey the intensity of a Star Wars battle scene. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 30
  1. “A detailed pencil sketch of Yoda, the wise and powerful Jedi Master from the Star Wars universe. He is sitting in his humble dwelling on the swampy planet of Dagobah. He is seen meditating, his eyes closed in deep thought, surrounded by the lush greenery of the swamp. His small stature is contrasted by his powerful aura. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1”
  2. “An 80s style vibrant pop art portrait of Yoda. His iconic green skin is even more vibrant, and his wise eyes are exaggerated for dramatic effect. He is set against a bold, neon-colored Star Wars themed backdrop, with starships and galaxies. –chaos 50 –iw 1.5”
  3. “A serene watercolor painting of Yoda in the heart of the Dagobah swamp. His figure is reflected in the calm waters, and the environment is filled with exotic plants and creatures of the swamp. The style should be calming and peaceful, reflecting Yoda’s tranquil demeanor. –aspect 1:1 –quality 1 –stylize 75”
  4. “A humorous comic strip style illustration of Yoda trying to lift the X-wing from the swamp using the Force. His concentrated expression and the floating X-wing should be the focus of the image. The background should be a simple, cartoonish representation of the Dagobah swamp. –aspect 3:2 –quality .5 –weird 100”
  5. “A futuristic digital art of Yoda wielding his green lightsaber against a stormy, star-filled sky. His robe is flowing, and his face is stern and determined. The lightsaber’s glow illuminates him, casting dramatic shadows. The image should convey the intensity of a Star Wars battle scene. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 30”


A detailed charcoal sketch of R2-D2 standing in the middle of a bustling Star Wars cantina. The droid is illuminated by the warm, golden glow of the cantina lights reflecting off its metal body. In the background, various alien species are engaged in lively conversations, their features slightly blurred to keep R2-D2 as the main focus. The scene should capture the essence of the lively, somewhat chaotic atmosphere typical of a Star Wars cantina –aspect 16:9 –chaos 20
  1. “A detailed charcoal sketch of R2-D2 standing in the middle of a bustling Star Wars cantina. The droid is illuminated by the warm, golden glow of the cantina lights reflecting off its metal body. In the background, various alien species are engaged in lively conversations, their features slightly blurred to keep R2-D2 as the main focus. The scene should capture the essence of the lively, somewhat chaotic atmosphere typical of a Star Wars cantina –aspect 16:9 –chaos 20”
  2. “A vibrant, 1980s style pop-art illustration of R2-D2. The droid is presented in bold, primary colors against a neon pink and electric blue background. The image should capture the energy and flamboyance of the 80s pop-art movement, with R2-D2 as the unexpected, yet fitting subject –aspect 1:1 –chaos 50”
  3. “A serene image of R2-D2 standing alone on the sandy dunes of Tatooine at sunset. The droid’s metallic body reflects the warm, orange hues of the setting sun, casting long shadows on the sand. The vastness of the desert and the solitude of R2-D2 should evoke a sense of peaceful loneliness –aspect 2:1 –chaos 10”
  4. “A playful watercolor painting of R2-D2 in a field of blooming lavender under a clear blue sky. The droid appears slightly out of place, yet content in this unexpected, earthy environment. The painting should have a soft, dreamy quality, with the colors blending smoothly into each other –aspect 9:16 –chaos 30”
  5. “An edgy, graffiti-style image of R2-D2 set against a backdrop of a brick wall. The droid is rendered in bright, contrasting colors, with bold outlines and dynamic, spray paint textures. The image should capture the rebellious spirit and urban aesthetics of graffiti art –aspect 4:3 –chaos 70 –weird 500”

Darth Vader

  1. “A dramatic, charcoal sketch of Darth Vader standing atop the command bridge of his Star Destroyer. The scene is set in the dark void of space, with a haunting nebula in the background. The Sith Lord’s black armor is illuminated only by the soft glow of the control panels and the menacing red of his lightsaber. His cape billows around him, creating an aura of power and dread. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 50”
  2. “Darth Vader in a 1980s style pop art illustration. His iconic black helmet and suit are rendered in vibrant neon colors against a stark, grid-patterned background reminiscent of old arcade games. His lightsaber is a streak of electric blue, cutting through the scene with its energy. The image should evoke a sense of nostalgia and retro-futurism. –aspect 1:1 –quality 1 –chaos 20”
  3. “An emotionally charged scene of Darth Vader in the throes of a fierce lightsaber duel with Luke Skywalker on the forest moon of Endor. The greenery of the forest contrasts starkly with the harsh red and blue of their clashing lightsabers. The intensity of their battle and the raw emotion on their faces should be palpable. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 70”
  4. “A minimalist, monochrome ink wash painting of Darth Vader. The Sith Lord is depicted in his meditation chamber, his helmet off, revealing his scarred face. His expression is one of deep contemplation and sorrow. The image should evoke a sense of solitude and introspection. –aspect 1:1 –quality 1 –chaos 10”
  5. “Darth Vader as seen through the lens of a 1950s noir film. The scene is a dimly lit, smoke-filled Cantina on Tatooine. Vader is in the shadows, his figure menacing and imposing. The only source of light is the eerie glow of his red lightsaber. The image should be filled with tension and suspense, like a scene straight out of a classic detective movie. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 30”


A black and white charcoal sketch of C-3PO. He’s sitting at the controls of the Millennium Falcon, a look of concentration on his face. The intricate details of the spaceship’s interior contrast with the simple, clean lines of the droid’s design. –aspect 16:9 –quality .5 –chaos 10
  1. “A golden, gleaming C-3PO droid from the Star Wars universe. This humanoid robot is standing in the middle of a bustling, futuristic cityscape, brimming with neon lights and towering skyscrapers. The city reflects off his polished metal body. He’s expressing a worried emotion, his mechanical eyes wide in surprise. Use an oil painting style for this image, giving it a classic yet futuristic vibe. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 20”
  2. “A 1980s comic book style illustration of C-3PO. The droid is in the heart of the Death Star, surrounded by stormtroopers and high-tech machinery. He’s in a confident pose, one hand on his hip, the other pointing forward. Bold, primary colors dominate the scene, with C-3PO’s gold body standing out against the cold, metallic grey environment. –aspect 1:1 –quality 1 –chaos 50”
  3. “C-3PO in a lush, alien jungle environment. He’s looking at a strange, bioluminescent plant with curiosity. The scene is bathed in the otherworldly glow of the plant, casting eerie shadows. Use a watercolor style for this image, with soft edges and vibrant colors. –aspect 9:16 –quality 1 –chaos 30”
  4. “A black and white charcoal sketch of C-3PO. He’s sitting at the controls of the Millennium Falcon, a look of concentration on his face. The intricate details of the spaceship’s interior contrast with the simple, clean lines of the droid’s design. –aspect 16:9 –quality .5 –chaos 10”
  5. “C-3PO in a desert environment, reminiscent of Tatooine. He’s trudging through the sand, the twin suns casting long shadows. The scene is rendered in a sepia tone, giving it a vintage, old-world feel. Use a scratchboard style for this image, creating a high-contrast, textured look. –aspect 2:1 –quality 1 –chaos 40”

Boba Fett

A vividly colored, 1980s style comic book illustration of Boba Fett, the notorious bounty hunter from Star Wars. He is standing in the midst of a bustling Mos Eisley spaceport on Tatooine, with various extraterrestrial species and spacecrafts in the background. Boba Fett is wearing his iconic, battle-worn Mandalorian armor, and holding his blaster rifle at the ready. The sun is setting, casting long shadows and bathing everything in a warm, orange glow. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –quality 1
  1. “A vividly colored, 1980s style comic book illustration of Boba Fett, the notorious bounty hunter from Star Wars. He is standing in the midst of a bustling Mos Eisley spaceport on Tatooine, with various extraterrestrial species and spacecrafts in the background. Boba Fett is wearing his iconic, battle-worn Mandalorian armor, and holding his blaster rifle at the ready. The sun is setting, casting long shadows and bathing everything in a warm, orange glow. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –quality 1”
  2. “A highly detailed, black and white ink sketch of Boba Fett, standing alone in the harsh, desert landscape of Tatooine. His Mandalorian armor is intricately designed, with scratches and dents that tell a story of countless battles. His helmet is tilted slightly, suggesting a sense of alertness. The twin suns of Tatooine are visible in the sky, casting harsh shadows. –aspect 1:1 –chaos 20 –quality 1”
  3. “A vibrant, pop art style illustration of Boba Fett, set against a background of the star-filled cosmos. His armor is rendered in bold, bright colors, contrasting sharply with the dark space backdrop. His blaster rifle is raised, ready for action. The image has a dynamic, action-packed feel. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 70 –quality 1 –stylize 2”
  4. “A serene, watercolor painting of Boba Fett, sitting contemplatively on the edge of the Sarlacc pit on Tatooine. His helmet is off, revealing a thoughtful expression. The colors are muted and soft, giving the image a calm and peaceful ambiance. The vast desert and the monstrous Sarlacc pit are visible in the background. –aspect 6:9 –chaos 30 –quality 1”
  5. “A 3D, photorealistic rendering of Boba Fett, engaged in a fierce battle in the heart of Cloud City. His Mandalorian armor is reflecting the city’s bright lights, and his jetpack is ignited, ready for flight. The city’s futuristic architecture and the dramatic sky are visible in the background. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –quality 1 –iw 2”


An impressionist painting of Finn amidst the battle of Starkiller Base. He’s wielding a blue lightsaber, the glow illuminating his face in the cold, snowy environment. The snowflakes are large and fluffy, adding a touch of serenity to the otherwise intense scene. Explosions from the ongoing battle light up the background with bursts of orange and red. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –quality 1
  1. “A detailed pencil sketch of Finn from Star Wars, standing tall and ready for battle. He’s holding a blaster in his right hand, and his left hand is clenched into a fist. He’s wearing his iconic black outfit, complete with a brown leather jacket. His expression is determined, reflecting his brave and resilient personality. The background is a starry night sky, with the silhouette of the Millennium Falcon soaring in the distance. –aspect 9:16 –chaos 20 –quality 1”
  2. “An impressionist painting of Finn amidst the battle of Starkiller Base. He’s wielding a blue lightsaber, the glow illuminating his face in the cold, snowy environment. The snowflakes are large and fluffy, adding a touch of serenity to the otherwise intense scene. Explosions from the ongoing battle light up the background with bursts of orange and red. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –quality 1”
  3. “A 1980s style comic book illustration of Finn. He’s in a dynamic action pose, leaping forward with a blaster in his hand. His outfit is a vibrant mix of blues and blacks, with highlights and shadows exaggerated for a dramatic effect. The background is a stylized cityscape of a futuristic Coruscant, with towering skyscrapers and flying vehicles. –aspect 1:1 –chaos 30 –quality .5”
  4. “A joyful Finn in a lush, alien forest. He’s sitting by a crystal-clear river, laughing as a group of colorful, alien birds flock around him. His outfit is casual, a stark contrast to his usual battle gear, and he seems at peace. The forest is a riot of colors, with plants and creatures unlike anything on Earth. –aspect 2:3 –chaos 40 –quality 1”
  5. “A somber, black-and-white photograph of Finn. He’s standing alone in the ruins of a destroyed city, his face a mask of sorrow and determination. His outfit is torn and dirty, a testament to the hardships he’s faced. Despite the devastation around him, there’s a glimmer of hope in his eyes. –aspect 3:4 –chaos 10 –quality 1”


A dramatic, noir-style black and white photograph of Chewbacca. He is standing in a dimly lit alleyway, his figure partially obscured by shadows. The only source of light is a single, overhead lamp, casting a dramatic spotlight on him. The setting is a gritty, 1940s cityscape, complete with cobblestone streets and vintage cars.::2 Star Wars::1 Chewbacca –aspect 16:9 –chaos 10 –quality 1 –weird 500
  1. “A detailed oil painting of Chewbacca from Star Wars, set in the 19th century. He is standing tall in the bustling streets of Victorian London, his furry figure a stark contrast to the dapperly dressed humans around him. The city is bathed in a warm, golden sunset, casting long shadows and an air of mystery. He holds a steampunk version of his iconic bowcaster, a fusion of technology and old-world charm::2 Star Wars::1 Chewbacca –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –quality 1”
  2. “A vibrant, pop-art style illustration of Chewbacca. He is portrayed in bold, primary colors, with a comic book-style speech bubble that says ‘RRRAARRWHHGWWR’. The background is a psychedelic swirl of colors, reminiscent of the 1960s, and he is wearing a peace symbol pendant.::2 Star Wars::1 Chewbacca –aspect 1:1 –chaos 20 –quality 1 –stylize 60”
  3. “A joyful, watercolor sketch of Chewbacca, frolicking in a field of brightly colored tulips under a clear, blue sky. He is playfully tossing a bouquet of tulips in the air, his face expressing pure delight. The colors are vivid and the brush strokes loose and expressive, capturing the energy of the moment.::2 Star Wars::1 Chewbacca –aspect 9:16 –chaos 30 –quality 1”
  4. “A dramatic, noir-style black and white photograph of Chewbacca. He is standing in a dimly lit alleyway, his figure partially obscured by shadows. The only source of light is a single, overhead lamp, casting a dramatic spotlight on him. The setting is a gritty, 1940s cityscape, complete with cobblestone streets and vintage cars.::2 Star Wars::1 Chewbacca –aspect 16:9 –chaos 10 –quality 1 –weird 500”
  5. “A whimsical, children’s book illustration of Chewbacca, having a tea party with a group of Ewoks in the lush forests of Endor. He is sitting on a log, a tiny tea cup in his large hands, while the Ewoks happily chatter around him. The scene is filled with bright colors and cute details, like a squirrel wearing a tiny hat.::2 Star Wars::1 Chewbacca –aspect 1:1 –chaos 20 –quality 1 –stylize 30”

Emperor Palpatine

A 1980s-style, vibrant colored illustration of Emperor Palpatine. He is standing in a grand, gothic-style room filled with high, arched windows and ornate, futuristic furniture. His dark, flowing robes contrast against the neon lights of the space cityscape visible through the windows. His eyes are glowing with a malevolent red light, reflecting his dark side powers –aspect 1:1 –quality 1 –chaos 25
  1. “A detailed, monochrome sketch of Emperor Palpatine, seated on his throne in the heart of the Death Star. His face is lit by the eerie glow of the control panels, highlighting his sinister grin and the deep lines of his face. His hands are raised, fingers curled as if in the midst of conjuring Force lightning. The room is filled with the hum of machinery and the cold, metallic sheen of the Star Wars universe ::2 Death Star interior –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 50”
  2. “A 1980s-style, vibrant colored illustration of Emperor Palpatine. He is standing in a grand, gothic-style room filled with high, arched windows and ornate, futuristic furniture. His dark, flowing robes contrast against the neon lights of the space cityscape visible through the windows. His eyes are glowing with a malevolent red light, reflecting his dark side powers –aspect 1:1 –quality 1 –chaos 25”
  3. “An emotional portrait of a contemplative Emperor Palpatine. He is in his private quarters, surrounded by ancient Sith artifacts and dark, leather-bound books. The room is dimly lit by a single, green-hued lamp, casting long shadows that dance on the walls. His expression is one of deep thought, his eyes staring into the distance as if foreseeing the future –aspect 9:16 –quality 1 –chaos 60”
  4. “A surreal, dream-like image of Emperor Palpatine in a forest::2 Endor. The dense, green foliage and towering trees of the forest contrast with the Emperor’s dark, ominous presence. His figure is distorted, his form blending into the shadows of the trees, his eyes glowing with an unnatural light. The scene is filled with a sense of unease and foreboding –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –weird 1000”
  5. “A dramatic, comic book style depiction of Emperor Palpatine in a fierce battle with Luke Skywalker. The Emperor’s face is twisted in a snarl, his hands raised to unleash a torrent of Force lightning. Luke, in turn, is poised with his lightsaber, ready to strike. The background is a blur of movement and color, reflecting the intensity of their duel –aspect 2:1 –quality 1 –chaos 75”


The imaginative journey through these 50 midjourney Star Wars prompts reveals the limitless potential of the Star Wars universe as a canvas for creative exploration. From the vibrant and detailed portrayals of iconic characters like Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Yoda, R2-D2, C-3PO, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Finn, Chewbacca, and Emperor Palpatine, to the diverse array of artistic styles and contexts, these prompts offer a fascinating glimpse into the various facets of this beloved galaxy.

Each prompt, with its unique artistic style and setting, not only pays homage to the rich legacy of Star Wars but also pushes the boundaries of how we perceive these familiar characters and environments. Whether it’s through a 1980s comic book lens, a tranquil impressionist painting, or a dramatic noir-style photograph, the versatility and depth of the Star Wars saga are vividly captured. These prompts are more than just visual representations; they are narrative gateways, encouraging fans and creatives alike to delve deeper into the lore and essence of this epic story.

As we reflect on these imaginative prompts, it becomes clear that the Star Wars universe is more than a series of films and characters. It is a vast, ever-expanding canvas for creativity, a source of endless inspiration that continues to captivate and engage generations of fans and artists. Whether you are a writer, an artist, a role-player, or just a dreamer, the galaxy far, far away remains an inexhaustible wellspring of wonder, inviting you to explore, create, and imagine.



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