Elite AI Prompts


50 midjourney sci-fi prompts


Midjourney Sci-Fi Prompts is a portal to uncharted realms of imagination, where the boundaries of reality and fiction blur into a mesmerizing tapestry of futuristic possibilities. In this immersive world of speculative fiction, you’ll embark on a mind-bending journey through the cosmos and the intricacies of advanced technology. These prompts will transport you to distant galaxies, introduce you to enigmatic alien civilizations, and challenge your intellect with ethical dilemmas posed by cutting-edge science and artificial intelligence. Whether you’re a seasoned science fiction enthusiast or a curious newcomer, Midjourney Sci-Fi Prompts offers a gateway to explore the limitless potential of the genre, sparking your creativity and inviting you to ponder the tantalizing “what-ifs” of the future. Get ready to embark on an exhilarating intellectual adventure that will leave you questioning the boundaries of human knowledge and the mysteries of the universe.

Space Opera

1 1
Epic space opera scene depicting an intergalactic battle, with sleek silver starships clashing against a backdrop of a swirling neon nebula. The scene is infused with a sense of grandeur and high stakes, featuring advanced technology like plasma beams and force fields. Characters are in futuristic armor, showing a blend of human and alien warriors. Emphasize the vastness of space and the intensity of the battle. Art style inspired by classic 1970s sci-fi illustrations, with a vibrant color palette dominated by shades of blue and purple. The composition should balance the chaos of war with the beauty of the cosmos. ::2 grand space battle::neon colors –chaos 50 –quality 1 –stylize 80
  1. “Epic space opera scene depicting an intergalactic battle, with sleek silver starships clashing against a backdrop of a swirling neon nebula. The scene is infused with a sense of grandeur and high stakes, featuring advanced technology like plasma beams and force fields. Characters are in futuristic armor, showing a blend of human and alien warriors. Emphasize the vastness of space and the intensity of the battle. Art style inspired by classic 1970s sci-fi illustrations, with a vibrant color palette dominated by shades of blue and purple. The composition should balance the chaos of war with the beauty of the cosmos. ::2 grand space battle::neon colors –chaos 50 –quality 1 –stylize 80”
  2. “A panoramic view of a majestic space opera cityscape on a distant planet, blending futuristic architecture with alien landscapes. The city is a fusion of towering skyscrapers, floating structures, and biodomes, illuminated by multicolored lights under a star-filled sky. Inhabitants are a mix of diverse alien species and humans, showcasing a bustling, multicultural society. Visuals inspired by modern digital art, emphasizing intricate details, reflective surfaces, and holographic elements. Include elements of daily life in a spacefaring civilization, like hover vehicles and robotic assistants. –aspect 16:9 –iw 1.5 –quality 1 –stylize 70”
  3. “A dramatic space opera scene set inside the grand hall of an interstellar council, where species from across the galaxy convene. The hall is a masterpiece of alien architecture, vast and ornate, with a ceiling that mimics the night sky. Delegates are a mix of exotic, imaginative alien races and dignified human ambassadors, engaged in a crucial diplomatic discussion. The atmosphere is tense yet awe-inspiring, with a focus on intricate clothing and cultural symbols. Artistic influence from Renaissance paintings, adding a sense of depth and historical gravity. –chaos 30 –quality 1 –stylize 60 –tile”
  4. “A breathtaking space opera depiction of a mythical space creature, akin to a dragon, soaring through a cosmic sea with stars and nebulae as the backdrop. The creature blends organic and celestial elements, with scales that shimmer like starlight and wings that span solar systems. Surrounding it are smaller spacecraft, dwarfed by its size, showcasing a blend of fear and admiration from the spacefarers. The style is a fusion of fantasy art and space imagery, with a focus on surreal, dreamlike quality. –weird 500 –quality 1 –stylize 90 –aspect 1:2”
  5. “A cinematic space opera landscape showing the aftermath of an epic space battle, set on the surface of a moon overlooking a gas giant. Wreckage of starships is strewn across the lunar surface, with a haunting beauty. In the sky, the remnants of the battle continue, with distant explosions and trailing lights. The mood is somber yet majestic, capturing the scale of space conflict. Influences from post-apocalyptic and cyberpunk genres, with a color scheme that emphasizes contrasts between darkness and bursts of light from the battle. –quality 1 –iw 1 –chaos 40 –no people


2 1
Cyberpunk Metropolis at Twilight: Imagine a sprawling cyberpunk cityscape as the sun sets, casting vibrant hues of neon pink and electric blue across towering skyscrapers adorned with holographic billboards. Streets bustling with diverse crowds, augmented humans, and autonomous vehicles, all under a network of flying drones and digital advertisements. The architecture blends retro-futuristic elements with Asian influences, featuring narrow alleys, bustling markets, and high-tech temples. Reflective surfaces, wet asphalt, and a smoggy sky add to the atmospheric depth. Prompt: “Twilight in a cyberpunk city, neon-lit skyscrapers, crowded streets with augmented humans and autonomous vehicles, Asian-inspired architecture, smoggy sky, reflective wet surfaces, digital and holographic elements::2 dystopian atmosphere –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 30”
  1. Cyberpunk Metropolis at Twilight: Imagine a sprawling cyberpunk cityscape as the sun sets, casting vibrant hues of neon pink and electric blue across towering skyscrapers adorned with holographic billboards. Streets bustling with diverse crowds, augmented humans, and autonomous vehicles, all under a network of flying drones and digital advertisements. The architecture blends retro-futuristic elements with Asian influences, featuring narrow alleys, bustling markets, and high-tech temples. Reflective surfaces, wet asphalt, and a smoggy sky add to the atmospheric depth. Prompt: “Twilight in a cyberpunk city, neon-lit skyscrapers, crowded streets with augmented humans and autonomous vehicles, Asian-inspired architecture, smoggy sky, reflective wet surfaces, digital and holographic elements::2 dystopian atmosphere –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 30”
  2. Rooftop Chase in Neon Rain: Envision a dynamic rooftop chase scene in a cyberpunk city under a neon rain. The sky is dark and heavy with storm clouds, illuminated by flashes of lightning. Characters with high-tech gear, cybernetic enhancements, and futuristic weapons dart across the rain-slicked rooftops. Neon signs and holograms cast a kaleidoscopic glow on the wet surfaces, creating a sense of urgency and danger. The cityscape below is a maze of lights and motion. Prompt: “High-speed rooftop chase in a cyberpunk city, neon rain, stormy sky, characters with cybernetic enhancements, neon and holographic lighting, sense of urgency and danger –aspect 9:16 –quality 1 –chaos 45 –weird 200”
  3. Cybernetic Marketplace in Dusk: Picture a bustling cyberpunk market at dusk, where neon signs flicker above stalls selling futuristic gadgets and exotic cybernetic enhancements. Characters from all walks of life, clad in eclectic fashion, haggle over prices. The atmosphere is a mix of excitement and caution, with drones buzzing overhead and security cameras monitoring every move. The backdrop features towering skyscrapers with glowing windows, casting a surreal glow on the scene. Prompt: “Dusk at a cyberpunk marketplace, neon signs, stalls with futuristic gadgets and cybernetics, diverse crowd, bustling atmosphere, surveillance tech, skyscrapers in the background –aspect 1:1 –quality .5 –chaos 50”
  4. Underground Cyberpunk Club Scene: Visualize an underground club in a cyberpunk world, where the latest in electronic music throbs through the air, accompanied by a light show of lasers and holograms. The crowd, a blend of humans and androids, dances to the rhythm, their clothing a mix of leather, neon, and high-tech fabrics. The walls are adorned with digital art and cybernetic sculptures, and the bar serves exotic, synthesized drinks. The vibe is edgy, vibrant, and slightly illicit. Prompt: “Underground cyberpunk club, electronic music, laser and hologram light show, mixed crowd of humans and androids, digital art, cybernetic decor, edgy atmosphere –aspect 16:9 –quality .75 –chaos 60 –stylize 80”
  5. Cyberpunk Detective in Rain-soaked Streets: Imagine a scene where a hard-boiled detective, with cybernetic enhancements, walks through rain-soaked streets of a cyberpunk city. The neon and hologram lights reflect in puddles, creating a mirage of colors. The detective wears a trench coat, and his eyes scan the crowd, searching for clues. The environment is dense with shadowy figures, steam rising from street vents, and the distant sound of sirens. The mood is tense, mysterious, and slightly noir. Prompt: “Cyberpunk detective in rain-soaked streets, neon and hologram reflections, shadowy figures, steamy vents, tense and mysterious atmosphere, noir vibe –aspect 3:2 –quality 1 –chaos 35 –weird 100”

Time Travel

3 1
Renaissance Florence with Time Travel Dimensional Rifts: Create a vivid scene of Renaissance Florence, filled with detailed architecture, sculptures, and bustling market streets. In this historically rich setting, dimensional rifts for time travel are opening in the sky and on the streets, showing glimpses of various future and past eras. The rifts should be depicted with a shimmering, translucent quality, blending seamlessly with the Renaissance environment. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –iw 2
  1. 1920s Art Deco Sci-Fi Cityscape with Time Travel Portal: Imagine a bustling cityscape inspired by the 1920s Art Deco movement, complete with geometric buildings, ornate details, and vintage automobiles. In the heart of this historical panorama, a futuristic time travel portal glows, merging past elegance with sci-fi brilliance. The image should balance the charm of the Roaring Twenties with the allure of advanced technology. Suggest using brass and chrome elements in the portal design to complement the Art Deco architecture. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 30
  2. Steampunk Victorian London with Time Traveling Airships: Envision a Victorian London skyline, reimagined in a steampunk style, where steam-powered machinery and intricate gear systems are prominent. Amidst this, colossal airships equipped with time travel capabilities float majestically. These airships should exhibit a blend of Victorian aesthetics with advanced, glowing time travel technology. Focus on intricate details like brass fittings, leather accents, and clockwork mechanisms. –aspect 9:16 –stylize 60 –iw 1.5
  3. Futuristic Tokyo with Ancient Time Travel Shrines: Picture a neon-lit, ultra-modern Tokyo skyline juxtaposed with ancient Japanese shrines that serve as gateways for time travel. The shrines, while traditional in design, are infused with advanced, holographic time control panels. The contrast between the futuristic urban environment and the mystical, historical shrines should be striking, emphasizing a blend of old and new worlds. –aspect 1:1 –weird 100 –quality .5
  4. Ancient Egypt Meets Interstellar Time Travel: Imagine the grandeur of Ancient Egypt, with its majestic pyramids and the Sphinx, under a star-filled sky. Among these ancient wonders, a sleek, interstellar time travel spacecraft has landed, merging advanced sci-fi technology with historical grandiosity. The spacecraft should be designed with hieroglyphic-like patterns, paying homage to Egyptian art, and be illuminated by an ethereal light, suggesting advanced technology. –aspect 1:2 –chaos 50 –stylize 70
  5. Renaissance Florence with Time Travel Dimensional Rifts: Create a vivid scene of Renaissance Florence, filled with detailed architecture, sculptures, and bustling market streets. In this historically rich setting, dimensional rifts for time travel are opening in the sky and on the streets, showing glimpses of various future and past eras. The rifts should be depicted with a shimmering, translucent quality, blending seamlessly with the Renaissance environment. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –iw 2


4 2
Steampunk Space Station Orbiting Earth: “Envision a massive steampunk space station orbiting Earth, designed like a Victorian-era ironclad ship with elaborate brass fittings and large, rotating gears. The station has large, panoramic windows offering breathtaking views of Earth, and its exterior is adorned with steam vents and mechanical arms. Inside, there are luxurious cabins with wood paneling and brass instruments, populated by characters in steampunk attire. The station serves as a hub for steam-powered space shuttles and features a bustling market with vendors selling exotic intergalactic goods. The scene blends elements of classic steampunk with futuristic, sci-fi technology, maintaining a balance between the two genres::2 advanced technology subtly present in the background. –aspect 16:9 –quality .5 –stylize 60
  1. Steampunk Metropolis at Dusk: “A sprawling steampunk cityscape during a dusky twilight, with towering brass and copper skyscrapers, intricate gears and steam pipes crisscrossing between the buildings. Imagine streets bustling with steam-powered automobiles, dirigibles floating in the amber sky, and pedestrians in Victorian-era attire with sci-fi gadgets. The air is filled with a mix of steam and the soft glow of gaslight lamps. The architecture is a blend of Gothic and Victorian styles with a futuristic twist, featuring ornate ironwork and shimmering glass. The entire scene conveys a sense of wonder and advanced technology rooted in the industrial era::2 sci-fi elements, such as holographic signs and robotic street vendors, subtly integrated to maintain the steampunk vibe. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 30 –quality 1”
  2. Steampunk Space Station Orbiting Earth: “Envision a massive steampunk space station orbiting Earth, designed like a Victorian-era ironclad ship with elaborate brass fittings and large, rotating gears. The station has large, panoramic windows offering breathtaking views of Earth, and its exterior is adorned with steam vents and mechanical arms. Inside, there are luxurious cabins with wood paneling and brass instruments, populated by characters in steampunk attire. The station serves as a hub for steam-powered space shuttles and features a bustling market with vendors selling exotic intergalactic goods. The scene blends elements of classic steampunk with futuristic, sci-fi technology, maintaining a balance between the two genres::2 advanced technology subtly present in the background. –aspect 16:9 –quality .5 –stylize 60”
  3. Underwater Steampunk City: “Imagine an underwater steampunk city, submerged beneath the ocean’s surface. The city is encased in large, domed structures made of brass and reinforced glass, connected by a network of tunnels and tubes. Inside, the city is alive with steam-powered machinery, gears, and pistons working to maintain the environment. Residents, dressed in steampunk diving gear, navigate the city using steam-powered submarines and walkways. Bioluminescent marine life adds a natural glow to the scene, creating a contrast between the organic and the mechanical. The architecture is a mix of Victorian elegance and industrial functionality, with ornate details and robust structures. The city is a hub of innovation, blending steampunk aesthetics with underwater survival technology::2 hints of futuristic gadgets and systems. –aspect 9:16 –chaos 40 –weird 500”
  4. Steampunk Sci-Fi Desert Oasis: “A vibrant steampunk oasis in the heart of a sprawling desert, featuring a fusion of futuristic and Victorian elements. Picture steam-powered machinery irrigating lush gardens amidst the arid sands. The oasis is centered around a large, brass and copper structure resembling a palace, with intricate gears and steam vents. The local inhabitants, clad in steampunk attire, use advanced gadgets that blend seamlessly with their Victorian-inspired fashion. Around the oasis, there are steam-powered vehicles adapted for desert travel, and the air is filled with the sound of hissing steam and clanking metal. The environment is a perfect blend of harsh desert landscape and the lush greenery of the oasis, highlighting the ingenuity of steampunk technology in a sci-fi setting::2 subtle hints of advanced, futuristic technology. –aspect 1:2 –quality .75 –stylize 80”
  5. Steampunk Sci-Fi Train Journey through Time: “Embark on an epic journey aboard a steampunk-style train, designed with Victorian elegance and futuristic technology. The train is equipped with time-travel capabilities, seamlessly blending brass and copper detailing with advanced sci-fi elements. Each carriage is uniquely themed to represent different eras in time, from the ancient past to the distant future. Passengers, dressed in a mix of period attire and futuristic fashion, enjoy the changing landscapes outside, which shift from historical settings to futuristic cityscapes. The train itself is a marvel of engineering, with exposed gears and steam engines working alongside high-tech controls. This journey is not just a travel through space, but a voyage through time, where the wonders of the past and the possibilities of the future coexist in harmony::2 the integration of time-travel mechanics subtly woven into the train’s design. –aspect 6:9 –chaos 20 –weird 1000”

Space Exploration

Interstellar Colony on a Terraformed Planet: Create an image depicting a thriving interstellar colony on a newly terraformed planet. The setting is a vast, lush landscape with a skyline dominated by futuristic architecture – towering structures with sleek, curved designs, abundant with greenery and advanced technology. The atmosphere of the planet subtly hints at its artificial nature, with engineered clouds and a sky that shifts in pastel colors. Among the buildings, advanced transportation systems like magnetic levitation trains and anti-gravity vehicles move inhabitants seamlessly. In the foreground, a group of explorers in high-tech gear are surveying the land, equipped with gadgets and tools for scientific research. The background should feature a large, artificial sun, created to mimic Earth’s natural light, casting a warm glow over the colony. This scene should evoke a sense of utopian achievement, the triumph of human ingenuity in space. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 15 –stylize 70.
  1. Cosmic Odyssey in a Distant Galaxy: Envision a grand space exploration scene set in a distant, uncharted galaxy. The image should depict a sleek, futuristic spaceship, its design inspired by cutting-edge aerospace technology and science fiction. The spaceship is navigating through a vibrant nebula, awash in hues of electric blue, neon pink, and radiant purple, creating a stunning contrast against the dark cosmos. Stars twinkle in the background, and distant planets loom on the horizon, each with unique characteristics – some with rings, others with visible landmasses or swirling storms. The scene embodies a sense of adventure and the unknown, capturing the awe and wonder of space travel. Include a diverse crew visible through the transparent cockpit, showcasing a mix of human and alien races, all in custom-designed space suits that blend practicality with futuristic fashion. The image should be rendered in a hyper-realistic style, with attention to intricate details on the spaceship and celestial bodies. The lighting should play a significant role, highlighting the ship and the nebula’s iridescent qualities. :: space exploration::2 sci-fi –quality 1 –aspect 16:9 –chaos 25 –stylize 80.
  2. Interstellar Colony on a Terraformed Planet: Create an image depicting a thriving interstellar colony on a newly terraformed planet. The setting is a vast, lush landscape with a skyline dominated by futuristic architecture – towering structures with sleek, curved designs, abundant with greenery and advanced technology. The atmosphere of the planet subtly hints at its artificial nature, with engineered clouds and a sky that shifts in pastel colors. Among the buildings, advanced transportation systems like magnetic levitation trains and anti-gravity vehicles move inhabitants seamlessly. In the foreground, a group of explorers in high-tech gear are surveying the land, equipped with gadgets and tools for scientific research. The background should feature a large, artificial sun, created to mimic Earth’s natural light, casting a warm glow over the colony. This scene should evoke a sense of utopian achievement, the triumph of human ingenuity in space. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 15 –stylize 70.
  3. Alien Encounter on a Space Station: Imagine a tense and mysterious meeting between human astronauts and alien beings on a sprawling space station orbiting a gas giant. The station’s interior should be a blend of human and alien design elements, showcasing a mix of familiar metallic surfaces and strange, organic structures that seem to be alive. The central chamber, where the encounter takes place, is vast and dimly lit, with light filtering through large windows showing the gas giant’s swirling atmosphere. The aliens are unique in appearance, non-humanoid, communicating through a combination of telepathy and luminous color changes on their skin. The astronauts, in contrast, are in sleek, white and black space suits, equipped with translation devices and visibly cautious yet curious. The mood is one of mutual intrigue and careful diplomacy. –aspect 4:3 –quality .5 –chaos 30 –stylize 60.
  4. Escape from a Dystopian Space Colony: Craft an image of a dramatic escape scene from a dystopian space colony. The setting is a dark, oppressive space station, its design angular and menacing, with a palette dominated by grays and muted metallics. In the foreground, a small group of rebels, diverse in appearance and attire, are making their daring escape in a stolen, patchwork spacecraft. The ship, a hybrid of various technologies, looks hastily modified and rugged. The background should feature the sprawling colony, with signs of unrest and rebellion – distant explosions, flashing alarms, and chaotic crowds. The atmosphere is dense with tension and the urgency of escape. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 40 –stylize 50.
  5. Discovering an Ancient Alien Artifact in Deep Space: Visualize a scene where a team of space archaeologists discovers an ancient alien artifact in the depths of space. The artifact is gigantic, floating in the void, its design intricate and enigmatic, suggesting a civilization far advanced beyond human understanding. The artifact should have glowing hieroglyphs and complex geometric shapes, creating an aura of mystery. Around it, a small spacecraft with the archaeologists hovers, its design sleek yet clearly less advanced. The team, visible through the ship’s windows, is a mix of scientists and explorers, their expressions a blend of awe and bewilderment. The backdrop is a tapestry of stars and distant galaxies, emphasizing the isolation and significance of the discovery. –aspect 1:1 –quality .75 –chaos 20 –stylize 90.

Artificial Intelligence

AI-Controlled Utopian City: Envision a utopian city controlled and maintained by advanced artificial intelligence. The architecture is a blend of organic and geometric shapes, with buildings that are self-sustaining and environmentally integrated. Lush greenery intertwines with the structures, and renewable energy sources are visible, like solar panels and wind turbines. The AI presence is subtle yet evident through seamless automation in transportation, utilities, and public services. The atmosphere is serene and optimistic, showcasing a perfect harmony between technology, nature, and humanity. The color palette should be bright and natural, emphasizing greens, whites, and light blues. –quality .5 –chaos 15 –aspect 16:9
  1. Futuristic AI Metropolis: Imagine a sprawling metropolis in the year 2250, where advanced artificial intelligence seamlessly integrates with daily life. Skyscrapers tower with holographic advertisements, neon lights, and drone traffic filling the skies. Ground level shows bustling streets with people and humanoid robots interacting, smart vehicles autonomously navigating, and interactive digital surfaces on every building. Streets are a blend of traditional concrete and advanced, light-emitting materials, reflecting a blend of the old and the new. The city should evoke a sense of awe and wonder, showcasing a harmonious blend of technology and humanity. Use a vibrant color palette with emphasis on blues, purples, and neon contrasts. Ensure that the futuristic elements are prominent but not overwhelming, maintaining a balance between the advanced AI technology and the human elements of the city. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 25 –quality 1
  2. Interstellar AI Spaceship Interior: Create an image depicting the interior of a large, interstellar spaceship, designed with advanced AI integration. The design should be sleek and modern, with smooth surfaces, ambient lighting, and holographic interfaces. The central command area is highlighted, featuring a holographic control panel and AI avatars assisting the crew. The walls are adorned with interactive digital displays showing star maps and scientific data. The color scheme is primarily metallic with accents of blue and green, giving a sense of advanced technology and calm. The spaceship interior should exude a feeling of spaciousness and high-tech sophistication. –aspect 9:16 –iw 1.5 –stylize 70
  3. AI-Controlled Utopian City: Envision a utopian city controlled and maintained by advanced artificial intelligence. The architecture is a blend of organic and geometric shapes, with buildings that are self-sustaining and environmentally integrated. Lush greenery intertwines with the structures, and renewable energy sources are visible, like solar panels and wind turbines. The AI presence is subtle yet evident through seamless automation in transportation, utilities, and public services. The atmosphere is serene and optimistic, showcasing a perfect harmony between technology, nature, and humanity. The color palette should be bright and natural, emphasizing greens, whites, and light blues. –quality .5 –chaos 15 –aspect 16:9
  4. Cybernetic AI Rebellion Scene: Craft an intense scene of a cybernetic AI rebellion in a dystopian future. The setting is a dark, rain-drenched cityscape at night, illuminated by the glow of neon signs and fires. Humanoid robots with advanced AI, showing signs of battle damage, are in the midst of a confrontation against human forces. The atmosphere should be tense and dramatic, highlighting the chaos and moral complexity of the rebellion. The color scheme is dominated by dark shades, punctuated by neon lights and the fiery oranges of explosions. This scene should convey a powerful narrative of conflict and the potential dangers of AI. –aspect 16:9 –weird 500 –no people
  5. AI-Assisted Deep Space Exploration: Visualize a scene of deep space exploration assisted by artificial intelligence. The focus is on a sleek, advanced spacecraft equipped with AI technology, orbiting a mysterious, uncharted planet. The spacecraft’s design is futuristic and aerodynamic, featuring sensors and communication arrays. The surrounding space is filled with stars, nebulae, and distant galaxies, offering a sense of the vastness and beauty of the universe. The AI’s presence is indicated by glowing interfaces and holograms inside the spacecraft. The overall tone is one of discovery and wonder, with a color palette that includes deep blues, purples, and starlight white. –aspect 6:9 –chaos 30 –quality 1

Virtual Reality

Interstellar virtual reality space station, orbiting a distant exoplanet, sleek and modern design with transparent walls revealing the cosmos, astronauts engaging in VR training for alien encounters, holographic control panels, zero-gravity environment with floating objects and digital interfaces, sci-fi elements like laser technology and AI assistants::2 spacewalk, astronauts exploring the exterior of the station in advanced space suits, tethered to the station, with a breathtaking view of the galaxy, meteor showers in the distance, starlight reflecting on their visors:: –aspect 16:9 –chaos 40 –quality .75 –weird 500
  1. “Futuristic virtual reality metropolis, cyberpunk-style streets bustling with neon lights and holographic advertisements, high-tech citizens wearing advanced VR gear, blending of physical and digital worlds, skyscrapers covered in screens displaying virtual landscapes, 22nd-century technology aesthetics::2 bustling marketplace, vibrant and crowded with a diverse array of virtual vendors and digital nomads, interactive holographic displays showcasing futuristic gadgets and software, cybernetic enhancements visible on pedestrians, neon-lit food stalls serving digital cuisine::1 –aspect 16:9 –chaos 25 –quality 1 –stylize 80”
  2. “Interstellar virtual reality space station, orbiting a distant exoplanet, sleek and modern design with transparent walls revealing the cosmos, astronauts engaging in VR training for alien encounters, holographic control panels, zero-gravity environment with floating objects and digital interfaces, sci-fi elements like laser technology and AI assistants::2 spacewalk, astronauts exploring the exterior of the station in advanced space suits, tethered to the station, with a breathtaking view of the galaxy, meteor showers in the distance, starlight reflecting on their visors:: –aspect 16:9 –chaos 40 –quality .75 –weird 500”
  3. “Underwater virtual reality world, submerged futuristic city with bio-luminescent coral structures, inhabitants in high-tech diving suits interacting with marine AI robots, transparent domes housing advanced civilizations, schools of digital fish swimming alongside people, integration of aquatic and digital elements, sea creatures enhanced with cybernetic parts::2 Atlantis-like architecture, buildings made of glowing crystals and sustainable materials, underwater vehicles resembling sea creatures, holographic displays showing oceanic data, conservation efforts for virtual marine life:: –aspect 1:1 –chaos 30 –quality 1 –stylize 70”
  4. “Virtual reality wilderness on an alien planet, exotic and colorful flora and fauna, sci-fi explorers in advanced suits studying the environment, floating islands in the sky, bioluminescent trees and rivers, wildlife with cyber-enhanced features, interactive holograms displaying scientific data about the ecosystem, fusion of natural and digital elements::2 alien base camp, scientists and explorers gathering around high-tech equipment, analyzing samples, communicating with holographic displays, solar-powered tech blending with the alien landscape:: –aspect 1:2 –chaos 50 –quality .5 –weird 1000”
  5. “Post-apocalyptic virtual reality world, dystopian cityscape with remnants of advanced technology, survivors using VR to escape the harsh reality, dilapidated buildings with digital graffiti, streets littered with tech waste and cybernetic parts, contrast between bleak physical world and vibrant virtual escape, scavengers hunting for tech treasures::2 oasis of digital paradise, hidden VR zones where people experience pre-apocalyptic earth, lush greenery, and clean oceans, stark contrast to their current surroundings, hope and despair coexisting:: –aspect 16:9 –chaos 20 –quality 1 –stylize 60 –weird 200”

Space Colonization

Futuristic Space Colony on Mars: “Ultra-detailed, hyper-realistic illustration of a futuristic space colony on Mars, featuring towering glass domes, sprawling habitats, and advanced terraforming technologies. The colony should be bustling with activity, showing humans and robots working together. The Martian landscape is visible in the background, with a massive, terraformed Martian garden. Artistic style inspired by concept art from sci-fi movies::3 futuristic architecture, glass domes, advanced terraforming::2 humans and robots in harmony –aspect 16:9 –chaos 30 –quality 1 –stylize 70.
  1. Futuristic Space Colony on Mars: “Ultra-detailed, hyper-realistic illustration of a futuristic space colony on Mars, featuring towering glass domes, sprawling habitats, and advanced terraforming technologies. The colony should be bustling with activity, showing humans and robots working together. The Martian landscape is visible in the background, with a massive, terraformed Martian garden. Artistic style inspired by concept art from sci-fi movies::3 futuristic architecture, glass domes, advanced terraforming::2 humans and robots in harmony –aspect 16:9 –chaos 30 –quality 1 –stylize 70.”
  2. Interstellar Space Station: “Highly detailed concept art of an interstellar space station orbiting a distant exoplanet. The station is a blend of sleek, modern design and complex, organic shapes, reflecting advanced alien technology integrated with human engineering. Include bustling space docks, diverse alien species, and astronauts in cutting-edge space suits. Focus on the interaction between different cultures and species in a sci-fi setting::2 advanced alien technology::2 human and alien collaboration –aspect 1:1 –chaos 40 –quality 1 –stylize 80.”
  3. Underground Lunar City: “Artistic rendering of an expansive underground city on the Moon, illuminated by artificial sunlight. The city should feature futuristic architecture with a blend of elegance and functionality, large public spaces, advanced transportation systems, and a diverse population. Show glimpses of the lunar surface above, with Earth visible in the sky. Emphasize a sense of wonder and the pioneering spirit of humanity’s expansion into space::2 underground lunar habitats::2 artificial sunlight and advanced transport –aspect 9:16 –chaos 20 –quality 1 –stylize 60.”
  4. Orbital Megastructures in Space: “Create a visionary image of colossal orbital megastructures in space, encircling a vibrant, blue planet. The structures are a marvel of engineering, featuring biodomes, residential areas, and zero-gravity recreational facilities. Highlight the scale and grandeur of these structures, with tiny spaceships and shuttles moving between them. Capture the awe-inspiring beauty of living in space, with a focus on sustainability and self-sufficiency::2 grand scale engineering::2 sustainable living in space –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –quality .5 –stylize 90.”
  5. Alien World Terraforming Project: “Imaginative depiction of a large-scale terraforming project on an alien world, with a diverse team of scientists, engineers, and robots. The landscape is a mix of alien flora and newly introduced Earth-like ecosystems. Show advanced machinery altering the atmosphere and climate, large biodomes, and a central command center. Convey a theme of harmony between technology and nature, and the challenges of adapting an alien world for human habitation::2 advanced terraforming machinery::2 harmony between technology and nature –aspect 1:2 –chaos 35 –quality 1 –stylize 75.”

Alien Invasion

Epic sci-fi scene of a massive alien invasion over a bustling futuristic city, showcasing advanced extraterrestrial spacecrafts deploying swarms of smaller attack drones, set against a dramatic sunset sky. The cityscape below is a fusion of ultra-modern architecture and neon-lit streets, filled with panicked crowds and scattered resistance fighters. The alien technology should exhibit a bio-mechanical design, with glowing energy cores and intricate, ominous detailing. Consider a cinematic perspective, emphasizing the scale and intensity of the invasion. Include elements of chaos and desperation in the human response, with small pockets of organized resistance firing back with futuristic weapons. The color palette should be rich in contrast, highlighting the fiery oranges and reds of the sunset against the cool metallics and electric blues of the alien machinery. ::2 alien invasion –aspect 16:9 –chaos 40 –quality 1 –stylize 80.
  1. “Epic sci-fi scene of a massive alien invasion over a bustling futuristic city, showcasing advanced extraterrestrial spacecrafts deploying swarms of smaller attack drones, set against a dramatic sunset sky. The cityscape below is a fusion of ultra-modern architecture and neon-lit streets, filled with panicked crowds and scattered resistance fighters. The alien technology should exhibit a bio-mechanical design, with glowing energy cores and intricate, ominous detailing. Consider a cinematic perspective, emphasizing the scale and intensity of the invasion. Include elements of chaos and desperation in the human response, with small pockets of organized resistance firing back with futuristic weapons. The color palette should be rich in contrast, highlighting the fiery oranges and reds of the sunset against the cool metallics and electric blues of the alien machinery. ::2 alien invasion –aspect 16:9 –chaos 40 –quality 1 –stylize 80.”
  2. “A nightmarish vision of an alien invasion in a post-apocalyptic world, where the remnants of humanity struggle against overwhelming odds. The scene is set in a desolate, ruined cityscape under a stormy sky, illuminated only by the eerie, otherworldly glow of alien ships and their devastating energy weapons. The design of the alien invaders should be terrifying and unique, with a blend of organic and mechanical elements, giving off an aura of advanced, malevolent intelligence. The mood is one of grim survival, with ragtag groups of survivors equipped with improvised weapons, looking up in horror and defiance. The overall tone should be dark and foreboding, with a focus on the stark contrast between the dark ruins and the bright, menacing lights of the alien technology. –chaos 70 –quality 1 –stylize 50 –weird 500.”
  3. “Imagine a retro-futuristic alien invasion scene inspired by 1950s science fiction. Picture sleek, silver flying saucers descending upon a quaint, mid-century American town. The town should be bustling with vintage cars, classic diners, and people dressed in period-appropriate clothing, reacting with a mix of curiosity and fear. The alien ships, while advanced, should have a distinctly ’50s aesthetic, with smooth curves and simple, elegant designs. The color scheme should be vibrant, drawing from the era’s optimistic color palette. Add a touch of whimsy to the scene, reflecting the era’s naivety about extraterrestrial life, with civilians interacting in various ways – some running in panic, others attempting communication, and children looking on in awe. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –stylize 60 –weird 200.”
  4. “A high-intensity scene of an alien invasion during a space battle, set in the orbit of a distant, war-torn planet. The focus is on a massive flagship of the alien armada, a terrifyingly large and intricately designed warship, unleashing devastating energy beams on a fleet of desperately defending human spacecraft. The human ships should be outmatched but determined, exhibiting a rugged, battle-worn aesthetic. The background should feature the planet below, showing signs of previous attacks, with explosions and fires visible from space. The scene should capture the chaos and ferocity of the battle, with a dynamic composition showing explosions, debris, and intense dogfights. The color palette should be dark and intense, with the cold void of space contrasted against the fiery explosions and vibrant energy weapons. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –quality 1 –stylize 70.”
  5. “Envision a surreal, dystopian world undergoing an alien invasion, where the aliens have begun terraforming the Earth. The scene is set in a large, sprawling metropolis that is half-transformed by alien technology. Half of the city should appear normal, with recognizable modern buildings and streets, while the other half is overtaken by bizarre, alien structures that are organic and geometric in nature, pulsating with unknown energy. The sky is a canvas of strange colors and patterns, reflecting the alien influence. The population is a mix of confused and fearful humans and indifferent, enigmatic alien beings. The mood should be one of eerie calm and unsettling beauty, a world on the brink of complete transformation. Include elements that suggest the gradual blending of human and alien cultures. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 60 –quality 1 –weird 1500 –stylize 80.”

Parallel Universes

Parallel Universe Underwater City with Advanced Civilizations: “Advanced civilization in an underwater city in a parallel universe, showcasing a harmonious blend of technology and marine life. The city is a testament to architectural genius, with transparent domes, intricate tunnels, and glowing structures, surrounded by diverse, colorful sea creatures. This utopian world under the sea represents a perfect balance between nature and technology, where the inhabitants live in peace with their aquatic environment. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 20 –quality 1 –stylize 60”
  1. Parallel Universe Exploration in a Neo-Tokyo Setting: “Vibrant, cyberpunk parallel universe::2 Neo-Tokyo at night, bustling with neon lights and futuristic skyscrapers, blending traditional Japanese architecture with sci-fi elements, streets filled with holographic adverts, flying cars, and diverse inhabitants from different dimensions. The scene is alive with a sense of wonder, technological advancements, and cultural fusion. This universe teems with energy, where the old and new coexist seamlessly, creating a visually stunning landscape. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 30 –quality 1 –stylize 80”
  2. Interdimensional Space Station Overlooking Parallel Earths: “Ultra-detailed, high-tech interdimensional space station orbiting multiple parallel Earths visible in the background, each Earth with distinct environmental and societal evolutions. The space station is a hub of inter-universe travel, featuring advanced technology, diverse alien species, and astronauts. Intricate designs, reflective surfaces, and a view of cosmic wonders, showing the contrasts and similarities between the various Earths. –aspect 1:1 –chaos 50 –quality 1 –weird 500”
  3. Futuristic Parallel Universe City with Time Distortions: “Imaginative, futuristic city in a parallel universe where time behaves differently: Clocks showing various times simultaneously, buildings from different eras coexisting, people and vehicles from various time periods interacting in harmony. This city is a melting pot of history and future, showcasing architecture from ancient to ultra-modern, all under a sky with multiple moons and suns, symbolizing the convergence of different timelines. –aspect 9:16 –chaos 40 –quality 1 –stylize 70”
  4. Alien Plant Life in a Parallel Universe: “Extravagantly colored alien plant life in a parallel universe, a lush and exotic alien jungle with bioluminescent trees, gigantic flowers, and surreal fauna. The environment is teeming with vibrant, otherworldly plants that defy earthly biology, emitting soft glows and pulsating with life. The atmosphere is filled with a sense of mystery and untouched natural beauty, where every plant and creature is a work of art from another world. –aspect 1:2 –chaos 60 –quality .5 –weird 1500”
  5. Parallel Universe Underwater City with Advanced Civilizations: “Advanced civilization in an underwater city in a parallel universe, showcasing a harmonious blend of technology and marine life. The city is a testament to architectural genius, with transparent domes, intricate tunnels, and glowing structures, surrounded by diverse, colorful sea creatures. This utopian world under the sea represents a perfect balance between nature and technology, where the inhabitants live in peace with their aquatic environment. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 20 –quality 1 –stylize 60”


The Midjourney Sci-Fi Prompts offer an expansive canvas for the imagination, inviting us to explore the vast and wondrous realms of speculative fiction. From the grandeur of space operas to the neon-soaked streets of cyberpunk cities, each prompt opens a door to a universe brimming with possibilities. We encounter epic interstellar battles, witness the marvels of space colonization, and delve into the ethical complexities posed by artificial intelligence and virtual reality.

These prompts not only entertain but also challenge us to contemplate the future of humanity and the ethical implications of our technological advancements. They encourage us to dream big, think critically, and explore the unknown. The diverse scenarios presented – from utopian visions of AI-controlled cities to the thrill of discovering ancient alien artifacts – are testaments to the genre’s ability to push boundaries and envision alternative realities.

In the realm of space exploration, we imagine life in distant galaxies and the challenges of establishing colonies on alien worlds. Cyberpunk scenarios draw us into a world where technology and society intersect in complex ways, highlighting issues of identity, privacy, and corporate power. The concept of time travel opens up historical vistas and futuristic landscapes, inviting us to reconsider our understanding of time and causality.

Parallel universes and alien invasions allow us to confront the unknown and reflect on our place in the cosmos. Meanwhile, steampunk aesthetics blend the past with futuristic fantasies, creating a unique and visually stunning tableau.

Midjourney Sci-Fi Prompts not only serve as a source of entertainment but also as a tool for intellectual and creative exploration. They inspire writers, artists, and dreamers to envision and create narratives that question, celebrate, and critique the human experience in the context of an ever-expanding universe. As we journey through these myriad sci-fi scenarios, we are reminded of the power of imagination to transcend the limits of our current reality and to explore the infinite possibilities that lie in the unknown reaches of space and time.



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