Elite AI Prompts

50 midjourney planet prompts


Midjourney Planet Prompts are a set of prompts that can be used to create stunning visuals effortlessly. These prompts can be used by designers, marketers, or anyone looking to enhance their creative output. The time period between an initial user query and the eventual conversion or purchase decision is referred to as the midjourney. It offers a worthwhile chance to interact with consumers, directs them toward desired results, and makes a lasting impression. You may efficiently and visually appealingly express your ideas, goods, or services by making use of midjourney prompts. Visual prompts are effective tools to grab users’ attention, arouse their emotions, and motivate them to take certain actions. The Ultimate Midjourney Cheat Sheet 2023: Copy-Paste Prompt for any Style provides a comprehensive guide on leveraging midjourney prompts to create captivating artwork that resonates with your audience. It includes a diverse range of styles and prompts that can be copy-pasted to create engaging content tailored to your preferred style. The article includes a wide range of styles and prompts that can be copy-pasted to create engaging content tailored to your preferred style.

Gas Giant Planet

A vibrant gas giant planet, painted in hues of deep blue and swirling green, like a watercolor painting. The planet is suspended in the vast expanse of the cosmos, surrounded by a myriad of twinkling stars. The planet’s surface swirls with stormy patterns, giving it a dynamic and ever-changing appearance. The scene is illuminated by a distant sun, casting a warm glow on the planet and creating stark contrasts between light and shadow. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –quality 1 –iw 1
  1. “A vibrant gas giant planet, painted in hues of deep blue and swirling green, like a watercolor painting. The planet is suspended in the vast expanse of the cosmos, surrounded by a myriad of twinkling stars. The planet’s surface swirls with stormy patterns, giving it a dynamic and ever-changing appearance. The scene is illuminated by a distant sun, casting a warm glow on the planet and creating stark contrasts between light and shadow. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –quality 1 –iw 1”
  2. “Imagine a gas giant planet in the style of a 19th-century etching. The planet is a massive sphere, its surface etched with intricate patterns of swirling clouds and storms. The background is a starry sky, rendered in fine lines and dots. The planet is bathed in the light of a nearby star, casting long shadows and highlighting the details of its surface. The overall tone is monochrome, giving the scene a timeless and mysterious feel. –aspect 1:1 –chaos 30 –quality 1 –iw 1”
  3. “A gas giant planet in a 1980s sci-fi comic book style. The planet is a vibrant mix of neon pink and electric blue, with swirling patterns that suggest turbulent storms. The planet is surrounded by a field of asteroids, each one detailed with craters and cracks. In the distance, a spaceship can be seen, its design reminiscent of classic science fiction. The overall image is filled with action and drama, with a sense of adventure and exploration. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 75 –quality 1 –iw 1”
  4. “A gas giant planet as seen through the lens of a vintage sepia-toned photograph. The planet is a large, imposing presence in the center of the frame, its surface filled with swirling clouds and storms. The planet is surrounded by a field of stars, each one a tiny pinprick of light against the dark expanse of space. The image has a grainy texture, evoking the feeling of an old photograph. The overall mood is one of nostalgia and wonder, a glimpse into the past of space exploration. –aspect 1:1 –chaos 20 –quality 1 –iw 1”
  5. “A surreal interpretation of a gas giant planet in a dreamlike environment. The planet is a swirling mass of pastel colors, with clouds that form fantastical shapes and patterns. The planet is floating in a sky filled with floating islands and bizarre creatures, creating a scene straight out of a fantasy novel. The image is filled with whimsy and imagination, a departure from the usual depictions of space and planets. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 100 –quality 1 –iw 1 –weird 500”

Ice Giant Planet

A colossal ice giant planet, glowing with a soft, ethereal blue light, dominates the canvas. It is encased in a thick layer of crystalline ice, reflecting the distant twinkling stars. The planet is surrounded by a myriad of smaller icy moons, each with its own unique patterns of frosty swirls. The backdrop is a vast, inky-black cosmos, speckled with distant galaxies and nebulae. The scene is rendered in an impressionist style, with broad brushstrokes and a vibrant color palette. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 20
  1. “A colossal ice giant planet, glowing with a soft, ethereal blue light, dominates the canvas. It is encased in a thick layer of crystalline ice, reflecting the distant twinkling stars. The planet is surrounded by a myriad of smaller icy moons, each with its own unique patterns of frosty swirls. The backdrop is a vast, inky-black cosmos, speckled with distant galaxies and nebulae. The scene is rendered in an impressionist style, with broad brushstrokes and a vibrant color palette. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 20”
  2. “Imagine a surrealistic rendering of an ice giant planet, teeming with life. The surface of the planet is a chaotic mix of icy blue and frosty white, with towering ice formations that resemble skyscrapers. Alien creatures, adapted to the harsh cold, roam the icy plains. The sky above is filled with auroras, casting an ethereal glow on the landscape. –aspect 1:1 –iw 1.5 –stylize 50”
  3. “A 1950s style sci-fi poster of an ice giant planet. The planet looms large in the background, its icy surface gleaming under the light of a distant sun. A retro-futuristic spaceship, straight out of a pulp magazine, is approaching the planet, leaving a trail of rocket exhaust. The scene is filled with vibrant colors, contrasting the icy blues of the planet with the fiery reds and oranges of the spaceship. –aspect 3:2 –quality .5 –chaos 30”
  4. “A tranquil scene of an ice giant planet as viewed from one of its moons. The ice giant fills the sky, its surface a swirling mix of pale blues and whites. The moon’s surface is rocky and covered in frost, with a clear view of the planet above. The rest of the cosmos stretches out in the background, a sea of stars and distant galaxies. The scene is rendered in a realistic style, with attention to detail and accurate lighting. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 10”
  5. “An abstract interpretation of an ice giant planet. The planet is a swirling vortex of icy blues and whites, with jagged ice formations protruding from its surface. The background is a stark, minimalist black, with a few distant stars visible. The scene is rendered in a cubist style, with geometric shapes and sharp angles. –aspect 16:9 –quality .5 –chaos 50 –weird 1000”

Terrestrial Planet

A terrestrial planet in the style of a children’s book illustration. The planet is rendered in soft, pastel colors, with a sense of whimsy and playfulness pervading the scene. The sky is a soft blue, filled with fluffy white clouds and twinkling stars. The planet’s surface is a patchwork of different environments, from lush green forests to rolling hills and sparkling rivers. In the foreground, a group of cute, cartoonish animals are seen exploring the planet, their expressions filled with wonder and curiosity.” –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 20
  1. “A terrestrial planet with a landscape reminiscent of a Van Gogh painting. The planet is predominantly shades of blue, with swirling patterns of lighter and darker hues. The sky is a stark contrast, filled with a multitude of stars that twinkle in various colors. The planet’s surface is dotted with mountains that rise majestically, their peaks covered in a dusting of white snow. In the foreground, a single, large tree stands, its branches reaching out towards the star-filled sky. The tree is a brilliant shade of green, a stark contrast against the blue of the planet.” –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 50
  2. “A terrestrial planet as seen from the perspective of a 1920s art deco poster. The planet is bathed in a soft, golden light, with geometric patterns of shadows and highlights creating a sense of depth and dimension. The surface of the planet is a patchwork of fields, forests, and bodies of water, each represented by different geometric shapes and patterns. The sky is filled with stylized representations of stars, planets, and galaxies, their forms simplified and abstracted into geometric shapes.” –aspect 1:1 –quality 1 –chaos 20
  3. “A terrestrial planet in the style of a Japanese woodblock print. The planet is rendered in bold, flat colors, with intricate patterns and textures used to represent different geographical features. The sky is a deep, rich blue, with stylized clouds and stars scattered across it. The planet’s surface is a vibrant green, with forests, mountains, and rivers all represented in a highly stylized and abstracted manner. In the foreground, a single cherry blossom tree stands, its branches heavy with pink blossoms.” –aspect 9:16 –quality 1 –chaos 30
  4. “A terrestrial planet as seen through the lens of a 1960s psychedelic poster. The planet is a riot of color, with swirling patterns and shapes covering its surface. The sky is a deep, rich purple, filled with stars that twinkle in a rainbow of colors. The planet’s surface is a patchwork of different colors and patterns, with forests, mountains, and rivers all rendered in a highly stylized and abstracted manner. The overall effect is one of vibrant energy and movement.” –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 70
  5. “A terrestrial planet in the style of a children’s book illustration. The planet is rendered in soft, pastel colors, with a sense of whimsy and playfulness pervading the scene. The sky is a soft blue, filled with fluffy white clouds and twinkling stars. The planet’s surface is a patchwork of different environments, from lush green forests to rolling hills and sparkling rivers. In the foreground, a group of cute, cartoonish animals are seen exploring the planet, their expressions filled with wonder and curiosity.” –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 20


A breathtaking view of a gas giant exoplanet, reminiscent of Jupiter, as seen from one of its many moons. The gas giant dominates the sky, its swirling, stormy atmosphere a mesmerizing mix of oranges, reds, and browns. The moon’s surface is icy and desolate, contrasting starkly with the vibrant gas giant. Far in the distance, a brilliant white star shines brightly, casting a harsh, cold light on the scene. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 25
  1. “An exoplanet in the far reaches of the galaxy::2, bathed in the soft, ethereal glow of a distant, red dwarf star. The planet is a vibrant blue-green, hinting at the possibility of life. Its surface is dotted with expansive, lush forests and vast, sparkling oceans, under a sky filled with strange constellations. The red dwarf star casts long, dramatic shadows across the planet’s surface, creating a mesmerizing interplay of light and darkness. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 50”
  2. “A breathtaking view of a gas giant exoplanet, reminiscent of Jupiter, as seen from one of its many moons. The gas giant dominates the sky, its swirling, stormy atmosphere a mesmerizing mix of oranges, reds, and browns. The moon’s surface is icy and desolate, contrasting starkly with the vibrant gas giant. Far in the distance, a brilliant white star shines brightly, casting a harsh, cold light on the scene. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 25”
  3. “A rocky, barren exoplanet, orbiting a dying star. The star is a bloated red giant, filling the sky with its ominous, crimson glow. The planet’s surface is a desolate wasteland of craters and canyons, devoid of any signs of life. Despite the harsh environment, there is a stark beauty in the desolation, a testament to the relentless march of time and the inevitable death of stars. –aspect 1:1 –quality 1 –chaos 75”
  4. “An alien sunset on a newly discovered exoplanet. The sun is a binary star, resulting in a sunset that bathes the landscape in a surreal, dual-toned light. The exoplanet’s surface is a strange, alien landscape of towering, crystalline formations and vast, bioluminescent forests, their glow intensified by the fading light of the twin suns. The sky is filled with unfamiliar constellations, hinting at the vastness of the universe beyond. –aspect 4:3 –quality 1 –chaos 50”
  5. “A water world exoplanet, orbiting a vibrant, young star. The planet is completely covered in a vast, endless ocean, its surface a dazzling array of blues and greens. The star’s light reflects off the water’s surface, creating a mesmerizing, shimmering effect. Far in the distance, a moon rises, casting a soft, silvery light on the water. The scene is one of serene, tranquil beauty, a quiet testament to the diversity of worlds in the universe. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 25”

Lava Planet

A vibrant, fiery lava planet::2 situated in the heart of the galaxy, radiating intense heat and light. The planet’s surface is a swirling mass of molten rock, with towering volcanic eruptions sending plumes of ash and smoke into the atmosphere. The surrounding space is a velvet canvas of twinkling stars and nebulae, creating a stark contrast against the blazing planet. The galaxy’s core, a dense cluster of stars, illuminates the scene with a warm glow. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –quality 1
  1. “A vibrant, fiery lava planet::2 situated in the heart of the galaxy, radiating intense heat and light. The planet’s surface is a swirling mass of molten rock, with towering volcanic eruptions sending plumes of ash and smoke into the atmosphere. The surrounding space is a velvet canvas of twinkling stars and nebulae, creating a stark contrast against the blazing planet. The galaxy’s core, a dense cluster of stars, illuminates the scene with a warm glow. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –quality 1”
  2. “An isolated lava planet::3 in the outer rim of the galaxy, its surface a turbulent sea of molten lava with occasional islands of hardened rock. The planet’s red and orange hues stand out dramatically against the cold blues and purples of the galaxy. Nearby, a comet streaks across the sky, leaving a trail of sparkling dust in its wake. The planet’s harsh, inhospitable environment is softened by the serene beauty of the surrounding cosmos. –aspect 1:1 –chaos 30 –quality .5”
  3. “A serene view of a distant galaxy::1, with a colossal lava planet::2 as its centerpiece. The planet’s surface is a mesmerizing dance of molten lava and towering volcanoes, casting a fiery glow that illuminates the neighboring celestial bodies. The surrounding galaxy is a tranquil sea of deep blues and purples, with distant stars shimmering like diamonds on a velvet canvas. The image conveys a sense of awe and wonder, a testament to the grandeur of the universe. –aspect 9:16 –chaos 70 –quality 1”
  4. “A panoramic view of a galaxy::1, dominated by a colossal lava planet::3. The planet’s surface is a chaotic maelstrom of molten rock and erupting volcanoes, casting a harsh, fiery light that contrasts with the cool tones of the surrounding galaxy. The distant stars and nebulae provide a captivating backdrop, their soft glow adding a sense of tranquility to the scene. The image is a stark reminder of the beauty and harshness of the cosmos. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 40 –quality .5”
  5. “A surreal depiction of a lava planet::2 situated in a far-off galaxy::1. The planet’s surface is a vibrant tapestry of molten lava, with eruptions of volcanic ash creating an otherworldly atmosphere. The surrounding galaxy is a serene expanse of twinkling stars and swirling nebulae, their soft light creating a soothing contrast to the planet’s fiery glow. The image is a testament to the universe’s endless capacity for wonder and beauty. –aspect 1:2 –chaos 60 –quality 1”

Dwarf Planet

A realistic, highly detailed sketch of the Eris Dwarf Planet. The planet’s icy surface is meticulously rendered, with every crater, ridge, and valley visible. The surrounding space is filled with stars, each one a tiny pinprick of light against the blackness of space. A sense of solitude and serenity pervades the scene. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –iw 2
  1. “A stunning oil painting of the Eris Dwarf Planet, as seen from a distance in the vast expanse of space. The planet is bathed in the soft, ethereal glow of distant stars, its icy surface shimmering with an array of blues and whites. The surrounding space is filled with a myriad of stars, each one twinkling like a diamond against the velvety black backdrop. A comet streaks across the scene, leaving a trail of glittering dust in its wake. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –quality 1”
  2. “An impressionist style depiction of the Eris Dwarf Planet in a 1920s art deco style. The planet is portrayed as a large, spherical body, its surface a patchwork of icy blues and snowy whites. The background is a deep, inky black, dotted with stars of varying sizes. The planet is surrounded by a halo of light, giving it an almost mystical quality. –aspect 1:1 –iw 1.5 –no green”
  3. “A vibrant, psychedelic interpretation of the Eris Dwarf Planet. The planet is a swirl of bright, bold colors – purples, pinks, blues, and greens, all blending together in a dizzying display of color. The surrounding space is equally vibrant, filled with swirling galaxies and brightly colored nebulae. –aspect 9:16 –chaos 80 –stylize 2 –weird 1000”
  4. “A realistic, highly detailed sketch of the Eris Dwarf Planet. The planet’s icy surface is meticulously rendered, with every crater, ridge, and valley visible. The surrounding space is filled with stars, each one a tiny pinprick of light against the blackness of space. A sense of solitude and serenity pervades the scene. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –iw 2”
  5. “A romantic, watercolor painting of the Eris Dwarf Planet. The planet is a soft, dreamy blend of blues and whites, its surface appearing almost cloud-like. The surrounding space is a deep, rich black, scattered with stars that twinkle like diamonds. The scene is peaceful and serene, evoking a sense of calm and tranquility. –aspect 1:1 –chaos 30 –quality .5 –stylize 1”


A super-Earth planet as seen from space, with a vibrant blue and green surface, dotted with sprawling, dense forests, and vast, shimmering oceans. The planet’s surface is crisscrossed by a network of glowing, futuristic cities. The atmosphere of the planet is tinged with a soft, ethereal glow from the nearby star. Cloud formations swirl across the planet’s surface, casting shadows on the landscape below. The view is from a low orbit, giving a detailed look at the planet’s geography and topography. The image should have a realistic, highly detailed style, with a focus on the planet’s surface features.” –aspect 16:9 –quality 1
  1. “A super-Earth planet as seen from space, with a vibrant blue and green surface, dotted with sprawling, dense forests, and vast, shimmering oceans. The planet’s surface is crisscrossed by a network of glowing, futuristic cities. The atmosphere of the planet is tinged with a soft, ethereal glow from the nearby star. Cloud formations swirl across the planet’s surface, casting shadows on the landscape below. The view is from a low orbit, giving a detailed look at the planet’s geography and topography. The image should have a realistic, highly detailed style, with a focus on the planet’s surface features.” –aspect 16:9 –quality 1
  2. “An artistic rendering of a super-Earth, as seen from its moon. The planet is a swirling mix of blues and greens, with patches of white clouds scattered across its surface. The moon’s surface is barren and rocky, with a grayish hue. The sky is filled with stars, and the galaxy’s spiral arm is faintly visible in the background. The image should evoke a sense of awe and wonder, capturing the majesty of the cosmos.” –aspect 1:1 –chaos 50 –quality 1
  3. “A close-up, detailed look at a super-Earth’s surface. The planet is covered in a dense, lush jungle, with towering trees and a canopy that stretches as far as the eye can see. The planet’s sky is a deep, rich blue, with a large, bright star shining in the sky. The image should be rendered in a vibrant, colorful style, capturing the planet’s lush vegetation and diverse ecosystem.” –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –iw 1.5
  4. “A super-Earth as seen from space, with a focus on its polar ice caps. The planet’s surface is a mix of blue oceans, green landmasses, and white ice caps. The ice caps are intricate and detailed, with cracks and fissures visible. The planet’s atmosphere is thin and translucent, with a faint blue glow. The image should be rendered in a realistic style, with a high level of detail and accuracy.” –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –iw 1
  5. “A super-Earth planet as seen from a nearby space station. The planet is a vibrant mix of blues and greens, with swirling white clouds. The space station is futuristic and sleek, with a clear view of the planet through large, panoramic windows. The image should be rendered in a detailed, realistic style, capturing the awe-inspiring view of the planet from the space station.” –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –iw 1.5

Iron Planet

An artistic rendering of Mercury, the Iron Planet, as seen from space. The planet is a vibrant orange-red, with streaks of dark gray and black indicating areas of rock and shadow. The planet is surrounded by a halo of light, giving it an ethereal, otherworldly quality. The image is done in the style of a watercolor painting, with soft, blended colors and a slightly blurry, dreamlike quality. –aspect 16:9 –quality .5 –stylize 2
  1. “A view of Mercury, the Iron Planet, from a distance. The barren landscape is a mix of deep, rust-colored iron and dark gray stone. The sky is a stark black, dotted with distant stars. The planet’s surface is marked with countless craters, each casting long, dark shadows. The planet is bathed in the harsh, white light of the nearby sun, which illuminates the planet’s rough, metallic surface, making it shine like a beacon in the darkness of space. The image has a slightly surreal quality, as if it’s a scene from a science fiction movie. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 50”
  2. “A close-up view of the surface of Mercury, the Iron Planet. The ground is a patchwork of iron and rock, with the iron parts glowing a deep, rich red and the rock parts a cool, dark gray. There are craters of all sizes scattered across the surface, some filled with shadows, others catching the light of the sun. The image has a stark, desolate beauty, like a painting of a lunar landscape. –aspect 1:1 –quality 1 –chaos 30”
  3. “An artistic rendering of Mercury, the Iron Planet, as seen from space. The planet is a vibrant orange-red, with streaks of dark gray and black indicating areas of rock and shadow. The planet is surrounded by a halo of light, giving it an ethereal, otherworldly quality. The image is done in the style of a watercolor painting, with soft, blended colors and a slightly blurry, dreamlike quality. –aspect 16:9 –quality .5 –stylize 2”
  4. “A detailed image of the surface of Mercury, the Iron Planet, as seen from a high-altitude spacecraft. The surface is a mix of iron and rock, with the iron areas glowing a deep, rich red and the rock areas a cool, dark gray. The image is highly detailed, with every crater and rock formation clearly visible. The image has a raw, rugged beauty, like a photograph of a remote, uninhabited desert. –aspect 2:1 –quality 1 –chaos 20”
  5. “A futuristic image of Mercury, the Iron Planet, as seen from the surface of a nearby asteroid. The planet is a brilliant, glowing orb in the darkness of space, its surface a patchwork of red and gray. The asteroid’s surface is rough and rocky, with a few small plants struggling to grow in the harsh environment. The image has a sci-fi feel, like a scene from a space exploration movie. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 70 –no plants”

Binary Planet

An artistic rendition of Pluto as a binary planet, rendered in the style of a vintage science fiction novel cover. The two planets are prominently featured, their surfaces rich with detail, hinting at potential alien life forms. The background is a starry sky, with a distant sun casting long shadows on the planets’ surfaces. The overall color scheme is a blend of cool blues and purples, with splashes of vibrant orange for contrast.” –stylize 2 –aspect 16:9 –quality 1
  1. “A mesmerizing twilight scene on the binary planet Pluto, where the sky is painted with hues of deep purple and streaks of orange. The surface is icy and reflects the light from the distant sun. Two distinct celestial bodies orbit around each other, their gravitational pull creating a unique pattern of ice and rock formations on the surface. The environment is stark, yet breathtakingly beautiful, evoking a sense of serene isolation.” –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 50
  2. “An artistic rendition of Pluto as a binary planet, rendered in the style of a vintage science fiction novel cover. The two planets are prominently featured, their surfaces rich with detail, hinting at potential alien life forms. The background is a starry sky, with a distant sun casting long shadows on the planets’ surfaces. The overall color scheme is a blend of cool blues and purples, with splashes of vibrant orange for contrast.” –stylize 2 –aspect 16:9 –quality 1
  3. “A surrealistic interpretation of the binary planet Pluto, where the laws of physics are bent and twisted. The two planets are connected by a bridge of swirling, multicolored gases, creating a visual spectacle. The background is a cosmic canvas of stars, galaxies, and nebulae, painted in a palette of vivid colors. The image has a dreamlike quality, evoking a sense of wonder and curiosity.” –weird 2000 –aspect 9:16 –quality 1
  4. “A detailed topographical map of the binary planet Pluto, showcasing its diverse terrain. The two planets are covered in a mixture of icy mountains, rock formations, and vast plains. The image is rendered in a monochromatic color scheme, with different shades of gray used to denote varying elevations. The overall effect is a stark, yet visually compelling representation of Pluto’s unique geography.” –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –no color
  5. “An abstract representation of the binary planet Pluto, where the planets are depicted as intertwined spirals of light and shadow. The image is rendered in a minimalist style, with a limited color palette of black, white, and shades of gray. The overall composition is balanced and harmonious, evoking a sense of calm and tranquility.” –aspect 1:1 –quality .5 –chaos 10 –stylize 1

Desert Planet

A vast, arid desert planet under a scorching yellow sun::2. The sky is a bright, unending blue with no clouds in sight. The sand is a deep, rich orange, rippling with the winds that sweep across the barren landscape. In the distance, towering sand dunes cast long shadows, while cacti and desert flora sporadically dot the scene. The harsh environment is devoid of any visible life forms, creating a sense of stark isolation –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –quality 1.
  1. “A vast, arid desert planet under a scorching yellow sun::2. The sky is a bright, unending blue with no clouds in sight. The sand is a deep, rich orange, rippling with the winds that sweep across the barren landscape. In the distance, towering sand dunes cast long shadows, while cacti and desert flora sporadically dot the scene. The harsh environment is devoid of any visible life forms, creating a sense of stark isolation –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –quality 1.”
  2. “A desolate desert planet at twilight::2. The fading light of the setting sun paints the sky in hues of purple, pink, and orange. Stars begin to twinkle in the darkening sky, casting a mystical glow over the vast expanse of sand. The wind whips up sandstorms, creating a dynamic and dramatic scene. The landscape is dotted with alien-like cacti that seem to glow under the starlight –aspect 1:1 –chaos 70 –quality .5.”
  3. “A desert planet under a midnight sky::2. The pitch-black sky is studded with countless stars, the moon casting a silvery light over the sandy landscape. The sand dunes look like waves frozen in time, while the sparse desert vegetation stands still, casting long, eerie shadows. The cold, blue moonlight contrasts with the warm, golden sand, creating a visually striking scene –aspect 9:16 –chaos 30 –quality 1.”
  4. “An alien desert planet during a sandstorm::2. The sky is a hazy, dusty orange as the furious sandstorm obscures the sun. The landscape is a chaotic swirl of sand and wind, the visibility reduced to near zero. The sparse desert flora bends and sways in the powerful gusts, while the sand dunes shift and change shape. The scene is a powerful testament to the raw, untamed power of nature –aspect 16:9 –chaos 100 –quality 1.”
  5. “A desert planet at dawn::2. The first light of the day paints the sky in soft pastels, the sand dunes bathed in a gentle, warm glow. The sparse desert vegetation is silhouetted against the rising sun, while the sand sparkles like gold. The scene is serene and peaceful, a stark contrast to the harsh, unforgiving nature of the desert –aspect 1:2 –chaos 20 –quality .5.”



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