Elite AI Prompts

100 midjourney avatar persona Prompts


Welcome to the intriguing realm of “Midjourney Avatar Persona Prompts”! This topic delves into the idea of using prompts, or creative stimuli, to inspire the development of avatar personas at the midpoint of a creative or narrative journey.

An avatar persona is a character that represents an individual in a virtual world or digital platform. These personas can be used in various contexts, such as video games, online forums, and social media platforms, allowing individuals to express different aspects of their identity or explore new identities altogether.

A Midjourney avatar persona prompt is a suggestion or concept given to individuals or creators when they are halfway through their journey of persona creation. These prompts serve as a catalyst for creativity, encouraging individuals to evolve their avatar personas in new and unexpected ways.

These prompts could range from a single word or phrase to a complex scenario or theme. They are designed to challenge the creator, pushing them to think outside the box and experiment with different aspects of their avatar persona’s identity, such as their backstory, appearance, abilities, or personality traits.

Whether you’re a seasoned game designer, a writer developing characters for a story, or an individual looking to reinvent your online persona, Midjourney avatar persona prompts offer a unique and exciting way to breathe new life into your creative process. Enjoy your journey!


A youthful student avatar with bright blue eyes and auburn hair, wearing a classic school uniform of a white shirt and navy blue trousers. He carries a leather satchel filled with books and has a friendly smile on his face. The background is a bustling school corridor filled with lockers and students. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1
  1. “A youthful student avatar, with bright blue eyes and auburn hair, wearing a classic school uniform of a white shirt and navy blue trousers. He carries a leather satchel filled with books and has a friendly smile on his face. The background is a bustling school corridor filled with lockers and students. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1”
  2. “An anime-style student avatar, female, with large expressive eyes and long black hair tied in pigtails. She is wearing a sailor-style school uniform with a red bow. She is holding an open textbook and has a determined expression on her face. The background is a traditional Japanese classroom. –aspect 9:16 –chaos 20”
  3. “A sketch-style student avatar, male, wearing a vintage 1950s school uniform with a blazer and tie. He has a mischievous grin and is holding a slingshot in his hand. The background is a sunny schoolyard with a large oak tree. –aspect 16:9 –stylize 2 –quality .5”
  4. “A student avatar in a futuristic setting, with neon-colored hair and holographic school uniform. She is interacting with a floating digital interface, with a curious expression on her face. The background is a high-tech classroom with robot teachers and students. –aspect 6:9 –weird 500 –quality 1”
  5. “A student avatar in a fantasy setting, male, with elf-like features and wearing a magical school uniform with a cloak and wand. He is casting a spell from an ancient tome, with a focused expression on his face. The background is a grand wizarding school with floating candles and moving portraits. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –quality 1”
  6. “A digital painting of a student avatar, female, in a university setting. She is wearing a casual outfit with a backpack and headphones. She is sitting under a tree, reading a book with a peaceful expression. The background is a beautiful university campus with old brick buildings and autumn leaves. –aspect 1:1 –stylize 3 –quality 1”
  7. “A steampunk-style student avatar, male, with goggles and Victorian school uniform. He is holding a mechanical device with a look of triumph. The background is a steampunk-inspired classroom with gears and steam-powered machinery. –aspect 9:16 –weird 1000 –quality .5”
  8. “A student avatar in a dystopian setting, female, with a rugged outfit and carrying a survival backpack. She is looking at a map with a serious expression. The background is a ruined cityscape with graffiti-covered walls and abandoned cars. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 70 –quality 1”
  9. “An impressionist painting of a student avatar, male, in a 19th-century school setting. He is wearing a formal school uniform and reading a letter with a nostalgic expression. The background is a quaint schoolhouse with a garden of blooming flowers. –aspect 1:1 –stylize 4 –quality 1”
  10. “A student avatar in an alien school setting, with blue skin and multiple eyes. She is wearing a futuristic uniform and studying a holographic galaxy model. The background is a space-themed classroom with alien students and teachers. –aspect 6:9 –weird 2000 –quality .5”

Adventurous Explorer

An adventurous explorer persona avatar standing at the edge of a cliff, overlooking a vast jungle filled with exotic plants and wildlife. The explorer is wearing a worn-out leather jacket, a wide-brimmed hat, and sturdy boots. He is holding a rustic map and a compass in his hands. His face is filled with determination and excitement::2 –aspect 16:9 –quality 1
  1. “An adventurous explorer persona avatar standing at the edge of a cliff, overlooking a vast jungle filled with exotic plants and wildlife. The explorer is wearing a worn-out leather jacket, a wide-brimmed hat, and sturdy boots. He is holding a rustic map and a compass in his hands. His face is filled with determination and excitement::2 –aspect 16:9 –quality 1”
  2. “A vibrant and colorful image of an adventurous explorer avatar, full of life and energy, trekking through a dense rainforest. The explorer is equipped with a backpack full of survival gear, binoculars hanging around his neck, and a machete in his hand. The environment is teeming with lush green foliage, towering trees, and a variety of exotic birds and animals. –chaos 50 –aspect 1:1”
  3. “A vintage-style sketch of an adventurous explorer avatar, reminiscent of the golden age of exploration. The explorer is depicted on a sandy beach, looking out across a vast, uncharted ocean with a determined gaze. In the background, a tall ship waits, ready to embark on a new journey. –style sketch –decade 1800s –aspect 1:2”
  4. “An image of an adventurous explorer avatar in a snowy landscape, battling the harsh elements. The explorer is dressed in fur-lined clothing, a snow-covered mountain range in the background. His face is stern and focused, his eyes reflecting the fiery determination within. –color word blue –emotion determination –aspect 16:9”
  5. “A futuristic image of an adventurous explorer avatar in a space suit, exploring an alien planet. The environment is surreal, with bizarre plant life and strange geological formations. The explorer stands tall, a beacon of human curiosity and courage in this alien world. –aspect 1:1 –iw 2 –quality 1”
  6. “A sepia-toned image of an adventurous explorer avatar in a hot air balloon, soaring above an ancient city. The explorer is peering down through a brass telescope, his face filled with awe and wonder. The city below is a maze of narrow streets, grand palaces, and bustling marketplaces. –style sepia –location city –aspect 1:1”
  7. “An image of an adventurous explorer avatar diving deep into an underwater cave. The explorer’s scuba gear emits a soft glow, illuminating the surrounding stalactites and stalagmites. A school of colorful fish swims by, adding a touch of life to the otherwise eerie environment. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –color word blue”
  8. “A stylized image of an adventurous explorer avatar in a desert environment, under a scorching sun. The explorer is on a camel, navigating through the endless dunes with the help of a compass and a worn-out map. –stylize 2 –location desert –aspect 1:2”
  9. “An image of an adventurous explorer avatar in a dense jungle, filled with vibrant plants and wildlife. The explorer is hacking his way through the undergrowth with a machete, a look of determination on his face. The environment is teeming with life, from the colorful parrots in the trees to the curious monkeys watching from a distance. –aspect 1:1 –iw 2 –quality 1”
  10. “A black and white sketch of an adventurous explorer avatar, standing at the peak of a mountain. The explorer is looking out at the breathtaking view, a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction evident on his face. The environment is rugged and majestic, with snow-capped peaks and vast valleys stretching out below. –style sketch –color word black and white –aspect 16:9”.

Caring Nurse

A futuristic caring nurse persona avatar. She’s in a high-tech medical facility, wearing a silver uniform. Her hair is a vibrant blue, and she’s interacting with holographic medical equipment. –aspect 16:9 –quality .5
  1. “A caring nurse persona avatar wearing a sky-blue uniform, her hair tied back in a neat bun. She is standing in a brightly lit hospital corridor, her face exudes kindness and empathy. Her eyes are a soft hazel, and she carries a clipboard in her hand. –aspect 1:1 –quality 1”
  2. “A 1950s style illustration of a caring nurse persona avatar. She’s wearing a traditional white uniform with a starched hat, her red hair peering out from underneath. She’s standing in a vintage hospital room, a warm smile on her face. –aspect 2:1 –chaos 30”
  3. “A digital sketch of a caring nurse persona avatar. She’s in a modern hospital setting, wearing green scrubs and a stethoscope around her neck. She has a friendly demeanor and her brown eyes are filled with compassion. –aspect 16:9 –quality .5”
  4. “A caring nurse persona avatar set against a sunset-colored background. She’s wearing a purple uniform, her blonde hair flowing freely. She’s outside a rural clinic, the golden hues of the sunset reflecting in her glasses. –aspect 9:16 –chaos 50”
  5. “A watercolor painting of a caring nurse persona avatar in a bustling city hospital. She’s wearing a pink uniform, her black hair in a ponytail. She carries a tray of medications, her face a picture of focus and dedication. –aspect 1:2 –quality 1”
  6. “A caring nurse persona avatar in a tranquil garden setting. She’s wearing a white uniform, her brunette hair braided. She’s sitting on a bench, a calm expression on her face, a book about medicine in her lap. –aspect 1:1 –chaos 70”
  7. “A futuristic caring nurse persona avatar. She’s in a high-tech medical facility, wearing a silver uniform. Her hair is a vibrant blue, and she’s interacting with holographic medical equipment. –aspect 16:9 –quality .5”
  8. “An oil painting style image of a caring nurse persona avatar. She’s in a quaint village clinic, wearing a yellow uniform. She’s talking to a child patient, her green eyes filled with kindness. –aspect 2:1 –chaos 30”
  9. “A caring nurse persona avatar in a serene beach setting. She’s wearing a teal uniform, her hair a sun-bleached blonde. She’s standing on the sand, the ocean behind her, a stethoscope around her neck. –aspect 9:16 –quality 1”
  10. “A 1920s style illustration of a caring nurse persona avatar. She’s wearing a traditional white uniform with a red cross, her auburn hair under a hat. She’s in a historical hospital ward, a comforting presence amidst the patients. –aspect 1:2 –chaos 50”

Creative Artist

A digital sketch of a creative artist persona avatar, deeply engrossed in sculpting a magnificent, lifelike statue from a block of marble in a rustic, old-world workshop, filled with various tools and dust particles floating in the air. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –iw 1 –quality .5 –stylize 1 –no color
  1. “A creative artist persona avatar, donned in a 1950s-inspired outfit, joyfully painting a vibrant, multicolored abstract piece on a large canvas in a sunlit, bohemian-style studio. The room is filled with splashes of color, brushes, and paint tubes scattered around, reflecting the artist’s passionate chaos::2. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 80 –iw 1.5 –quality 1 –stylize 1”
  2. “A digital sketch of a creative artist persona avatar, deeply engrossed in sculpting a magnificent, lifelike statue from a block of marble in a rustic, old-world workshop, filled with various tools and dust particles floating in the air. –aspect 1:1 –chaos 50 –iw 1 –quality .5 –stylize 1 –no color”
  3. “A creative artist persona avatar, dressed in a futuristic, cyberpunk attire, is seen creating a holographic masterpiece in a neon-lit, high-tech studio. The environment is filled with floating digital screens and advanced art equipment. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 70 –iw 1 –quality 1 –stylize 2 –weird 1000”
  4. “An impressionist-style painting of a creative artist persona avatar, sitting in a serene, lush garden filled with blooming flowers and singing birds, capturing the beauty of nature on a canvas. The artist’s eyes are filled with tranquility and inspiration. –aspect 9:16 –chaos 30 –iw 1 –quality 1 –stylize 1”
  5. “A creative artist persona avatar, in a 1920s flapper dress, is seen passionately dancing in a grand, art deco ballroom filled with ornate chandeliers and golden decor. The artist’s movements are fluid and graceful, embodying the essence of the Jazz Age. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –iw 1.5 –quality 1 –stylize 1”
  6. “A creative artist persona avatar, in a Victorian-era attire, is seen meticulously crafting a delicate, intricate lace pattern in a cozy, candle-lit room filled with antique furniture and vintage sewing tools. –aspect 1:1 –chaos 20 –iw 1 –quality .5 –stylize 1 –no modern elements”
  7. “A creative artist persona avatar, dressed in a bright, 1960s hippie outfit, is seen joyfully playing a psychedelic-patterned guitar on a sunny, open field filled with colorful wildflowers and a rainbow in the background. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 60 –iw 1 –quality 1 –stylize 1”
  8. “A creative artist persona avatar, in a futuristic, metallic suit, is seen exploring a surreal, alien landscape filled with bizarre, glowing plants and floating rocks. The avatar is seen sketching the fantastical environment on a digital pad. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 80 –iw 1 –quality 1 –stylize 2 –weird 1500”
  9. “A creative artist persona avatar, in a traditional Japanese kimono, is seen carefully painting a delicate, cherry blossom tree on a silk scroll in a peaceful, Zen-style garden filled with stone lanterns and a koi pond. –aspect 1:1 –chaos 30 –iw 1 –quality .5 –stylize 1”
  10. “A creative artist persona avatar, in a classic, 1940s film noir-style trench coat and fedora, is seen capturing a dramatic, cityscape scene in a sketchbook under the dim light of a street lamp on a rainy night. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –iw 1 –quality 1 –stylize 1”

Dedicated Teacher

A dedicated teacher persona avatar in a serene watercolor style. He is a middle-aged man with a gentle smile and a pair of comforting blue eyes. He is dressed in a smart-casual attire, with a book in one hand and a chalk in the other. The background is a modern classroom filled with eager students. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –iw 1
  1. “A dedicated teacher persona avatar, with warm brown eyes that radiate knowledge and wisdom. She is wearing a vintage 1960s style dress in soft pastel colors, with a pair of classic spectacles perched on her nose. She is standing in an old-fashioned classroom with chalkboard and wooden desks, exuding an aura of calm intelligence and nurturing spirit. –aspect 1:1 –quality 1 –iw 1”
  2. “A dedicated teacher persona avatar in a serene watercolor style. He is a middle-aged man with a gentle smile and a pair of comforting blue eyes. He is dressed in a smart-casual attire, with a book in one hand and a chalk in the other. The background is a modern classroom filled with eager students. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –iw 1”
  3. “A dedicated teacher persona avatar in an impressionist style. She is a young woman with a vibrant energy, her red hair tied up in a bun and her green eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. She is dressed in a colorful outfit, standing in a lively classroom filled with creative artwork. –aspect 9:16 –quality 1 –iw 1”
  4. “A dedicated teacher persona avatar in a minimalist sketch style. He is an older man with a wise and kind expression, wearing a simple suit and tie. He is seated at his desk, surrounded by books and papers, in a quiet and organized classroom. –aspect 1:2 –quality 1 –iw 1”
  5. “A dedicated teacher persona avatar in a surrealistic style. She is a whimsical character with a playful smile and twinkling eyes, dressed in an eccentric outfit of bright and bold colors. She is in a magical classroom filled with floating books and curious creatures. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –iw 1”
  6. “A dedicated teacher persona avatar in a pop art style. He is a trendy character with a cool demeanor, wearing a graphic t-shirt and jeans. He is in a high-tech classroom with interactive whiteboards and digital devices, teaching a class of tech-savvy students. –aspect 1:1 –quality 1 –iw 1”
  7. “A dedicated teacher persona avatar in a realistic oil painting style. She is an elegant character with a graceful posture, dressed in a sophisticated outfit of neutral tones. She is in a traditional classroom with antique furniture and classic educational tools. –aspect 6:9 –quality 1 –iw 1”
  8. “A dedicated teacher persona avatar in a cubist style. He is a quirky character with a unique charm, wearing a mismatched outfit of different patterns and textures. He is in a creative classroom filled with abstract art and innovative teaching materials. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –iw 1”
  9. “A dedicated teacher persona avatar in a romantic style. She is a passionate character with a dreamy gaze, dressed in a vintage outfit of lace and frills. She is in a cozy classroom with a fireplace and a window overlooking a beautiful garden. –aspect 1:1 –quality 1 –iw 1”
  10. “A dedicated teacher persona avatar in a futuristic style. He is an advanced AI character with a holographic appearance, teaching in a virtual reality classroom. His design is sleek and modern, with a color scheme of cool blues and silvers. –aspect 9:16 –quality 1 –iw 1”

Fearless Journalist

A fearless journalist persona avatar, walking down a busy city street. The buildings tower over her, but she doesn’t seem intimidated. She carries a camera around her neck, ready to capture the city’s pulse. The street is filled with people, cars, and neon signs, creating a chaotic yet vibrant scene. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 20
  1. “A fearless journalist persona avatar, standing in the midst of a bustling city street at dusk. The city lights are reflecting off her vintage glasses. She holds a notepad in one hand, a pen poised above it, ready to capture the next big story. The cityscape is a blend of 1920s architecture and modern skyscrapers, creating a unique contrast. She is dressed in a sharp 1950s style suit, her hair styled in a neat bob. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 10”
  2. “A dynamic, fearless journalist persona avatar, sprinting through a rain-soaked alleyway, her trench coat billowing behind her. The alleyway is littered with old newspapers and graffiti, a testament to the city’s vibrant urban life. Her eyes are determined, her mouth set in a firm line. In the background, the city’s skyline looms, illuminated by the glow of the setting sun. –aspect 1:1 –quality 1 –chaos 20”
  3. “A fearless journalist persona avatar, seated at an old wooden desk, surrounded by stacks of papers and books. The room is dimly lit, with a single desk lamp casting a pool of light on her work. Her eyes are focused, her expression serious. The walls are lined with bookshelves, filled to the brim with various tomes and documents. –aspect 9:16 –quality 1 –chaos 30”
  4. “A fearless journalist persona avatar, standing on a rooftop overlooking a sprawling city. The wind tugs at her clothes and hair, but she stands firm, her gaze fixed on the horizon. The city below is a maze of buildings and streets, lit up by thousands of lights. Her outfit is a mix of modern and vintage, a nod to the timeless nature of her profession. –aspect 2:1 –quality 1 –chaos 20”
  5. “A fearless journalist persona avatar, standing in front of a graffiti-covered wall. Her expression is determined, her stance defiant. She holds a microphone in one hand, ready to report on the city’s underbelly. The graffiti behind her is a riot of colors and shapes, a testament to the city’s vibrant street art scene. –aspect 3:2 –quality 1 –chaos 15”
  6. “A fearless journalist persona avatar, walking down a busy city street. The buildings tower over her, but she doesn’t seem intimidated. She carries a camera around her neck, ready to capture the city’s pulse. The street is filled with people, cars, and neon signs, creating a chaotic yet vibrant scene. –aspect 4:3 –quality 1 –chaos 20”
  7. “A fearless journalist persona avatar, sitting at a coffee shop, engrossed in her laptop. The café is cozy, with vintage furniture and a warm, inviting atmosphere. She sips from a mug of coffee as she types, her expression focused. Outside the window, the city moves at a fast pace, a stark contrast to the calm inside the café. –aspect 1:1 –quality 1 –chaos 10”
  8. “A fearless journalist persona avatar, standing in a crowded subway train. She holds onto a strap, her other hand clutching a newspaper. The train is packed with diverse characters, each with their own story. She looks out of the window, her reflection superimposed on the passing cityscape. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 30”
  9. “A fearless journalist persona avatar, standing on a bridge overlooking the city’s river. The water reflects the city’s lights, creating a mesmerizing display. She holds a recorder in her hand, ready to capture the city’s sounds. Her silhouette stands out against the city’s skyline, a lone figure in the midst of urban chaos. –aspect 2:1 –quality 1 –chaos 20”
  10. “A fearless journalist persona avatar, standing in a newsroom, surrounded by screens displaying breaking news. She holds a stack of papers, her eyes scanning the headlines. The newsroom is buzzing with activity, reporters and editors working tirelessly to deliver the news. She stands in the center, a calm presence amidst the storm. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 25”

Professional Athlete

  1. “A dynamic and robust professional athlete avatar, depicted in the style of a vibrant pop art painting. The athlete is showcasing a powerful slam dunk, mid-air, against the backdrop of a packed basketball stadium. The avatar is wearing a royal blue jersey with neon green accents, reflecting the team’s colors. The crowd is a blur of excitement and anticipation. –aspect 1:1 –chaos 40 –quality 1”
  2. “An athlete avatar in the 1920s vintage illustration style. The avatar is a professional baseball player, in classic pinstripe uniform, about to swing a wooden bat. The scene is set in an old-fashioned baseball field, with spectators in period clothing. The color scheme is dominated by sepia tones to enhance the vintage feel. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 30 –quality .5”
  3. “A professional athlete avatar, joyously celebrating a victorious moment in a soccer match. The avatar is seen in a dynamic pose, arms raised in triumph, against a sunset-lit stadium. The scene is depicted in the style of a watercolor painting, with the colors of the sunset reflecting in the avatar’s eyes. –aspect 9:16 –chaos 50 –quality 1”
  4. “An athlete avatar in the style of a Japanese manga, playing tennis with intense focus. The character is mid-swing, with a bright green tennis ball leaving a trail of motion. The background is a professional tennis court, with the audience blurred to emphasize the player’s concentration. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 40 –quality 1”
  5. “A professional athlete avatar, depicted as a confident female boxer. The avatar is in a boxing ring, gloves raised, ready to strike. The scene is rendered in a gritty, charcoal sketch style, with the spotlight focused on the avatar, creating dramatic shadows. –aspect 1:1 –chaos 50 –quality 1”
  6. “An athlete avatar in the style of a 1980s arcade game character. The avatar is a professional skateboarder, performing a high-flying trick in a skate park. The colors are bright and pixelated, with a retro 8-bit music note floating around the avatar. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 60 –quality .5”
  7. “A professional athlete avatar, depicted as a graceful ballet dancer in mid-leap. The scene is set on a grand stage with ornate decorations, under a warm spotlight. The avatar is wearing a flowing, crimson tutu. The image is rendered in the style of a detailed pencil sketch. –aspect 9:16 –chaos 40 –quality 1”
  8. “An athlete avatar, portrayed as a professional swimmer, mid-stroke in a clear blue pool. The scene is depicted in the style of an impressionist painting, with the water’s ripples distorting the swimmer’s reflection. The color scheme is dominated by shades of blue and white. –aspect 1:1 –chaos 40 –quality 1”
  9. “A professional athlete avatar, depicted in the style of a stained glass window. The avatar is a professional golfer, captured in the moment of a perfect swing. The background is a beautifully landscaped golf course, with a setting sun. The colors are vibrant and translucent, with a strong light source behind the avatar. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 30 –quality 1”
  10. “An athlete avatar, portraying a professional cyclist racing down a mountain trail. The scene is rendered in the style of a modern art painting, with bold strokes and vivid colors. The avatar is wearing a bright yellow jersey, contrasting with the lush greenery of the trail. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –quality 1”


A biker persona avatar with a rugged appearance. He is wearing a leather jacket adorned with patches, a pair of worn-out jeans, and heavy-duty boots. His hair is long and unkempt, blowing in the wind as he rides his vintage motorcycle. The backdrop is a desert highway at sunset, the sky ablaze with hues of orange and pink. The biker’s expression is one of determination and freedom. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1
  1. “A biker persona avatar with a rugged appearance. He is wearing a leather jacket adorned with patches, a pair of worn-out jeans, and heavy-duty boots. His hair is long and unkempt, blowing in the wind as he rides his vintage motorcycle. The backdrop is a desert highway at sunset, the sky ablaze with hues of orange and pink. The biker’s expression is one of determination and freedom. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1”
  2. “A biker persona avatar riding a futuristic motorcycle in a cyberpunk city. Neon lights reflect off the sleek, metallic surface of the bike, and the biker is dressed in high-tech gear. The cityscape is filled with towering buildings, digital billboards, and hovering cars. The biker’s helmet has a glowing visor, adding to the sci-fi theme. –aspect 9:16 –chaos 50 –quality 1”
  3. “A biker persona avatar in the style of a 1950s greaser. He is leaning against a classic motorcycle, wearing a white t-shirt, leather jacket, and blue jeans. His hair is slicked back, and he has a pack of cigarettes rolled up in his sleeve. The backdrop is a vintage diner, complete with a jukebox and checkered flooring. –aspect 1:1 –quality 1”
  4. “A biker persona avatar in a tranquil forest setting. The biker is sitting on a parked motorcycle, admiring the surrounding nature. He is dressed in earth-toned gear, blending in with the greenery. The forest is lush and filled with tall trees, while a serene river flows in the background. –aspect 2:1 –quality .5 –iw 1”
  5. “A biker persona avatar in a post-apocalyptic world. The biker is riding a heavily modified motorcycle, equipped with armor and weaponry. He is wearing a gas mask and ragged clothing, symbolizing survival in a harsh environment. The backdrop is a desolate wasteland, with ruins of buildings and a cloudy, ominous sky. –aspect 16:9 –chaos 70 –quality 1”
  6. “An anime-inspired biker persona avatar. The biker is riding a high-speed motorcycle, leaving a trail of vibrant energy behind. He is wearing a futuristic suit and helmet, with glowing accents. The backdrop is a bustling city, filled with colorful buildings and busy streets. The overall style is reminiscent of popular anime series. –aspect 1:2 –quality 1”
  7. “A biker persona avatar enjoying a coastal ride. The biker is cruising along a cliffside road, with the vast ocean and setting sun in the background. He is wearing casual attire, with a hint of a smile visible under his helmet. The overall mood is peaceful and serene, capturing the joy of a leisurely ride. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1”
  8. “A biker persona avatar in a fantasy setting. The biker is riding a motorcycle made of mystical elements, like crystals and vines. He is wearing a cloak and carries a staff, merging the biker and wizard archetypes. The backdrop is a magical forest, with glowing plants and mythical creatures. –aspect 1:1 –chaos 80 –quality 1”
  9. “A biker persona avatar in a noir-style city. The biker is leaning against his motorcycle under a dim streetlight, smoking a cigarette. He is wearing a leather jacket and fedora, with a mysterious expression. The cityscape is filled with shadowy buildings and rain-soaked streets, creating a moody atmosphere. –aspect 9:16 –quality 1”
  10. “A biker persona avatar in a snowy mountain pass. The biker is riding a heavy-duty motorcycle, equipped for the harsh weather. He is dressed in warm gear, with goggles to protect against the snow. The backdrop is a stunning mountain range, with snow-capped peaks and pine trees. The overall theme is adventure and exploration. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1”


A volleyball coach on a beach, teaching a group of enthusiastic teenagers. He is dressed in casual beachwear, a volleyball under his arm. The sun sets in the background, casting a warm glow over the scene. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 10
  1. “A basketball coach, standing tall and confident in a bustling sports arena. He is dressed in a sharp suit, holding a basketball under his arm. His face is stern, yet kind, showing years of experience and knowledge. The crowd roars in the background, adding to the exhilarating atmosphere. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 20”
  2. “An oil painting of a gymnastics coach in the 1800s, dressed in traditional attire, demonstrating a pose to a young student. The room is filled with vintage gymnastics equipment, giving a historical touch to the scene. –stylize 70 –quality 1”
  3. “A vibrant, comic-style illustration of a football coach in the middle of a heated match. He is shouting instructions to his team, his face filled with determination. The football field is brightly lit, reflecting off his sweat-soaked face. –aspect 9:16 –quality 1 –chaos 30”
  4. “A serene watercolor painting of a tennis coach at a peaceful countryside tennis court. He is sitting on a bench, watching his student practice. The setting sun casts long shadows, adding a tranquil mood to the scene. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 10”
  5. “A futuristic digital rendering of a swimming coach in a high-tech aquatic center. She is dressed in advanced swimwear, analyzing data on a holographic screen. The pool glows with neon lights, reflecting off the sleek, wet tiles. –weird 300 –quality 1 –chaos 50”
  6. “A sketch of a boxing coach in a rustic, old-school gym. He is holding up a punching bag for a boxer, his face showing intense focus. The gym is filled with vintage boxing equipment, adding to the gritty atmosphere. –aspect 1:1 –quality 1 –chaos 20”
  7. “A soccer coach in the midst of a match, shouting instructions to his team. He is dressed in a team tracksuit, a whistle around his neck. The stadium is packed with cheering fans, adding to the high-energy scene. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 10”
  8. “A wrestling coach in a traditional dojo, demonstrating a move to a student. He is dressed in a classic wrestling uniform, his muscles straining with effort. The dojo is filled with traditional wrestling equipment, adding authenticity to the scene. –aspect 1:1 –quality 1 –weird 100”
  9. “A volleyball coach on a beach, teaching a group of enthusiastic teenagers. He is dressed in casual beachwear, a volleyball under his arm. The sun sets in the background, casting a warm glow over the scene. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 10”
  10. “A hockey coach in a bustling stadium, strategizing with his team during a timeout. He is dressed in a team jacket, a hockey stick in his hand. The ice rink glistens under the bright lights, adding to the intense atmosphere. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 20”


A futuristic police officer avatar standing in a bustling cityscape at night. The officer is wearing a neon blue uniform that glows against the backdrop of skyscrapers. The avatar has a stern, authoritative expression. The cityscape reflects a blend of modern and futuristic architecture, with flying cars and holographic billboards. The prompt should have a cyberpunk aesthetic. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 50
  1. “A futuristic police officer avatar standing in a bustling cityscape at night. The officer is wearing a neon blue uniform that glows against the backdrop of skyscrapers. The avatar has a stern, authoritative expression. The cityscape reflects a blend of modern and futuristic architecture, with flying cars and holographic billboards. The prompt should have a cyberpunk aesthetic. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 50”
  2. “A vintage 1920s style police officer avatar, complete with a traditional uniform, a truncheon, and a peaked cap. The officer is standing on a cobblestone street, with vintage cars and old brick buildings in the background. The scene should have a sepia-toned color palette to emphasize the historical setting. –aspect 1:1 –quality .5 –chaos 30”
  3. “An intimidating police officer avatar in a riot gear. The officer is standing against a backdrop of a city in chaos, with fires, smoke, and protestors. The scene should evoke a sense of tension and unrest. –aspect 9:16 –quality 1 –chaos 70”
  4. “A friendly neighborhood police officer avatar, smiling and waving in front of a small-town police station. The scene should be bright, colorful, and welcoming, with a clear blue sky and lush green trees. –aspect 16:9 –quality .5 –chaos 20”
  5. “A detective avatar in a classic film noir style. The detective is standing in a dimly lit office, with venetian blinds casting dramatic shadows. The scene should have a black and white color palette, with a strong contrast between light and shadow. –aspect 1:1 –quality 1 –chaos 40”
  6. “A police officer avatar in a post-apocalyptic setting. The officer is standing in a desolate wasteland, with ruins of buildings in the background. The scene should have a gritty, dystopian aesthetic, with a muted color palette. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 60”
  7. “A steampunk police officer avatar, complete with a Victorian-era uniform, a mechanical arm, and a pair of goggles. The officer is standing in a bustling cityscape, with steam-powered vehicles and towering factories in the background. The scene should have a warm, sepia-toned color palette. –aspect 1:1 –quality .5 –chaos 50”
  8. “A police officer avatar on a space station, wearing a futuristic uniform and holding a laser gun. The backdrop is a view of outer space, with distant stars and galaxies. The scene should have a cool, blue-toned color palette. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 40”
  9. “A police officer avatar in a fantasy setting, wearing a uniform made of chainmail and leather, and carrying a sword. The officer is standing in a medieval town, with cobblestone streets and timber-framed buildings in the background. The scene should have a warm, earth-toned color palette. –aspect 1:1 –quality .5 –chaos 30”
  10. “A police officer avatar in a surreal, dreamlike setting. The officer is standing on a floating island, with a backdrop of swirling clouds and fantastical creatures. The scene should have a vibrant, multicolored palette. –aspect 16:9 –quality 1 –chaos 80”



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